Keeping It In Perspective!
Diane Ripstein, M.Ed.
Keynote Speaker | Executive Coach | Communications Expert | Helping you sound as smart as you are.
I Am Deeply Grateful
to spend time in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, where I am writing this note to you today. And visiting family. And going to the beach.?
You Already Know
how easy it is to feel stuck in our everyday routines, challenges, issues, responsibilities. That’s part of being a grown-up, I’m afraid. And sometimes it can get in the way of us communicating as well as we want to. ??
Marcel Proust Said
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." Of course new landscapes can help (see beach photo above), but I love the “new eyes” image. Because it speaks to me of perspective. And keeping it all in perspective can make you a better communicator.?
Our Viewpoint
is our point of view, based on the life we live and the experiences we’ve accrued. It’s typically a fixed point and there’s nothing wrong with that. Except it may prevent us from understanding other’s viewpoints, making it harder to build consensus, persuade, influence and lead.
Today’s Video: Big Sky (0:45)
Lifting Our Eyes
up from our screens and our habitual way of seeing things offers a wider view. The massive sky above us can symbolize infinite possibility, BIG thinking, new options, expansiveness. And oh, what a glorious sky it is! ??
I Don’t Have Answers
for the deep divisions in today’s fraught cultural and political environment. But I do know that how we communicate with one another is one of many vital paths to better understanding.????
Here Are A Few Phrases ?
to help share or shift perspective. Try sprinkling them in your everyday business communications. And be inspired to think of more of your own!?
When the going gets rough, take a few deep breaths, think Big Sky, pull back to get perspective…and give it a go. You’ve got this. Let me know how it works for you!
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