Keeping One's Lips Zipped
Oh how relieved I was when finding our temps rising above freezing and the snow accumulation beginning to melt. Many-a-time I've mentioned how wonderful winter would be whenafter any measurable amount of precipitation, it would all get melted off in a day or two, but unfortunately, we're not far enough south to have that happen, but if this climate change/global warming continues, I wouldn't be surprised if we end up having weather patterns similar to the the far-southerly parts of our State, but of course that would mean we'd be having even hotter summers.
Once I got myself situated for my day at the office, I headed out to Brother's Hardware to get some duplicate keys made, and while there, I couldn't help mentioning to my favorite clerk how much I like their updated and remodeled interior of their store, which was precipitated from the devilish work of an arsonist in the night well over a year ago. I can't imagine the thousands upon thousands of dollars of income they lost over those many months.
When I got back to office, I decided to check on my black walnuts, just to see if they were dry enough to crack, so I took one from each bin and cracked them, and from the looks of it, they're needing more drying time. I'm definitely not looking forward to cracking them, and only because they're much smaller than last year's crop, so there'll be more nuts to crack to get the amount I normally vacuum-wrap and sent to freezer. Oh well, I made the choice to harvest them, so they're gonna get processed.
After having a good night's sleep on a situation I was pulled into by another real estate agent these past weeks, I've finally come to the conclusion that there are a very many people who're young and old who do not listen or follow thru with providing time-sensitive information.
Without mentioning names, there's one old duffer whom I've coined as another 'barnyard 'bull' who wouldn't listen, talked over me, acted as if he was the most intelligent person in the world, and of course acting as though he was being pushed to the limits after having been asked for additional information. My gosh, I swear someone dug up my step-father and had him cloned, just so I'd have to endure all the more of his 'dominant male' mentality. Not to worry, because in spite of wanting to give him a real tongue-lashing, I kept my composure until hanging up from that reflection of a man. I learned a long time ago that it's best to keep one's lips zipped whenever engaging in conversation with the likes of him, because you just can't win with really stupid people, as no matter what facts you bring to the table, they're always right, and you're always wrong. Fortunately we were able to contact several more level-headed people who were familiar with the situation.
In the coming days, I'll be sending a follow-up email to another real estate agent who'd sent me several condescending and un-necessary emails over these past weeks, just to set him straight about some things he said and did, and above all, insisting he never use such language with me again. Of course having worked with him on and off over the years, he'll make himself appear to be the victim of the whole situation. Not so.
Since I wasn't in the best of moods this afternoon, I began having dark thoughts about an agent I rarely ever have any contact with, and only because long ago, I made the choice to steer clear of him because of what he purposely did to me a very many years ago when I sold one of his listings, which took place when it came time to get paid after the closing of that sale where he so arrogantly refused to pay me, and what made matters even worse, I heard later how he gloated over not giving me what was owed. After that unfortunate incident, I never trusted a word he said going forward time. I'm sure to this day, it's been all forgotten, and likely because such characters soon forget what they've done, and likely because of the number of times they've done under-handed things to others. Isn't it amazing how such evil ones in our community can so fully whitewash themselves? Most who know me well enough, are well aware of my cast iron memory, which is likely why they're careful about not doing me wrong.
Just for example, I could go down the roster of real estate agents in Mason City and North Iowa, and pick out the names of those who purposely wronged me, and almost always, it was about grabbing as much dough for themselves as they could, and not thinking twice about it. There's one particular agent who went so far as to contact one of my sellers whose listing had just expired, and insisted there wouldn't be a contract written on his home unless my seller made sure I wouldn't get paid. Of course, my seller was desperate to get it sold, so he bit on that agent's 'hook'. Months later, my seller stopped at my office to relay how sorry he was about the whole thing, which I in turn told him it wasn't his fault, but rather that greedy agent's. That's another agent who likely thinks I've forgotten all about it, but I haven't.
Like I've often said, integrity and trust is something that takes years to build, but all it takes is but one instance to be destroyed. That text-a-thon I had well over a month ago, contained a chastising from me regarding how in my mind, that person had purposely self-destructed all integrity and trust, and going forward in time, that text-a-thoner will be forevermore a persona non gratis in my book.
By the end of the day, all my concerns and anxieties regarding an unfortunate situation were finally rectified, so you can be sure, this 'hump day' of November was indeed a metaphysically exhausting one. Oh how we Realtors have such sweeping peaks and valleys to navigate. Not to worry, as tomorrow will be a better day.
Tonight's One-liner is: A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity.
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