Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. -Stephen Covey
This is more than a simple play on words. There is an immense amount of truth hidden within it. Especially in today's world.
A recent study by Microsoft concluded that the human attention span has dropped to eight seconds – shrinking nearly 25% in just a few years.
Consider this: The average human attention span is now shorter than a goldfish’s. It is reported that goldfish have a 9-second attention span.
The drop in attention span can lead to an unfocused approach to decision-making. This will particularly take place when it comes to the ever-moving push and pull of what's happening around the world at this moment. We are constantly asked to consider new things, most of which aren't constructive or can lend a hand to our goals.
The bottom line is that we get distracted and aren't great at keeping the main thing front and center in our lives. The flashes of light that jump in front of us have an alluring way of appearing to be the most important thing to pay attention to at that moment. Not getting sucked into this vortex of attention-stealing takes discipline and practice. But first comes the awareness that it's occurring.
Let’s be clear. The ‘main thing’ is the relationship between “what I elect to, or should, focus on” and actual ‘focus’, i.e., the decision and the commitment to the decision. If you get either side of this relationship wrong you may as well accept ‘non-success.’ -In an article by Bruce McTague for Medium
Let's be clear about something else. Focus is hard and takes work to keep consistent. The awareness will help and is the first key to tapping to unlimited focus and keeping things main.
Not to leave you hanging with "just have awareness," here are tactical steps you can take to get your focus and life back in a very noisy world.
First, let's set an intention.
How do we train ourselves to keep the main thing the main thing?
Practical tips for keeping focus:
Increasing the number of people who do the right thing can feed on itself. If people visibly engage in behaviors like walking the stairs, then the effects of goal contagion may lead additional people to engage in positive behaviors. These studies also suggest that subtle reminders of choice may be an easy way to affect behavior rather than having to engage in a more laborious (and expensive) campaign to educate people about what they should do. -Art Markman for
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. A twisted but simply important thing to keep in mind. -Bruce McTague for Medium