Keeping the main thing the main thing

As we come to the end of the week with the EOM fast approaching our minds invariably lean towards targets, objectives, KPI's etc. Having read a blog earlier this week two quick thoughts come to mind:

  1. Why do we need to be reminded what is truly important to us?
  2. Isnt it great to have those around us, like Tim below, when we do.

( and, yes, we smashed our targets out of the park )

And then, at the end of an objectively rubbish day, Laura comes and hulks her 5’6” body into my lap and says “remember that time when 3rd grade Laura was worried about the end of all things and you sat down with me in bed and read me the whole Narnia series every night til we reached the end. I do. It’s one of my favorite memories.” She hugs me, kisses me on the cheek and hugs me again. And I reply “I’m not crying, you’re crying”

In the midst of it all, I am gently reminded of what is important, of the things that are true and beautiful, that this is my highest calling....and as my legs fall asleep, that Laura is quantifiably too large for my lap now. And that I will never, ever tell her that.


