Keeping the Last N Items

Keeping the Last N Items


You want to keep a limited history of the last few items seen during iteration or during

some other kind of processing.


Keeping a limited history is a perfect use for collections.deque. For example, the following code performs a simple text match on a sequence of lines and yields the matching line along with the previous N lines of context when found:

from collections import deque

def search(lines, pattern, history=5):

??? previous_lines = deque(maxlen=history)

??? for line in lines:

??????? if pattern in line:

??????????? yield line, previous_lines

??????????? previous_lines.append(line)

??? # Example use on a file

if __name__ == '__main__':

??? with open('somefile.txt') as f:

??????? for line, prevlines in search(f, 'of', 5):

??????????? for pline in prevlines:

??????????????? print(pline)

??????????? print('==> ' , line)

??????????? print('-'*20)        


When writing code to search for items, it is common to use a generator function involving yield, as shown in this recipe’s solution. This decouples the process of searching from the code that uses the results.

Using deque(maxlen=N) creates a fixed-sized queue. When new items are added and the queue is full, the oldest item is automatically removed. For example:

>>> q = deque(maxlen=3)

>>> q.append(1)

>>> q.append(2)

>>> q.append(3)

>>> q

deque([1, 2, 3], maxlen=3)

>>> q.append(4)

>>> q

deque([2, 3, 4], maxlen=3)

>>> q.append(5)

>>> q

deque([3, 4, 5], maxlen=3)        

Although you could manually perform such operations on a list (e.g., appending, deleting,

etc.), the queue solution is far more elegant and runs a lot faster.

More generally, a deque can be used whenever you need a simple queue structure. If you don’t give it a maximum size, you get an unbounded queue that lets you append and pop items on either end. For example:

>>> q = deque()

>>> q.append(1)

>>> q.append(2)

>>> q.append(3)

>>> q

deque([1, 2, 3])

>>> q.appendleft(4)

>>> q

deque([4, 1, 2, 3])

>>> q.pop()


>>> q

deque([4, 1, 2])

>>> q.popleft()


Adding or popping items from either end of a queue has O(1) complexity. This is unlike

a list where inserting or removing items from the front of the list is O(N).

*** Learned from:'Python Cookbook' ***        


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