Keeping an Eye on Cereals
Unlabeled Seed
"If you are buying seed that has no available label or the label is promised in the mail, it is not a legal sale." Good advice from the ND State Seed Department
Bin Run Risk
There are risks to using bin run seed. The financial consequences fall into two categories; variety protection and seed quality. A recent article by Successful Farmer stated that "Seed producers in Kansas are reporting up to 40% cleanout this year" primarily due to disease. Intellectual property rights are also a concern regardless of quality. Good quality by legal means is always the safest strategy.
Respect and Protect
Oat varieties such as Reins, a PVP Title V variety, can be used in mixtures with the permission of the breeder or owner. To respect the variety owner's rights royalties or assessments should be paid. To protect the owner's rights the name of the variety and type of protection should be stated.
Seed Quality Update
Cereal crops in general have been showing significant amounts of Fusarium. The amount and severity of the Fusarium varies field-by-field indicating that this year’s wet weather was a factor. In addition to seed treatment sand tests have improved germination rates in some cases. However, sand germs do not include Fusarium readings. Sand tests also exclude abnormal seedling counts. The use of fungicide treatment may be needed to help increase the germination potential in some seed lots. The standard seed treatment that is applied by Illinois Crop Improvement's seed lab is Mertect 340-F (Thiabendazole). Other treatments can be run upon request.