Keeping Cool in Turbulent Times
Do you ever lose your temper and then suffer regret because of your uncontrolled outburst of anger? I know. It can happen unexpectedly and perhaps too often for comfort. But have you ever considered the negative effects on your health when you experience a major flareup and get carried away on a tide of furious energy? It’s an important question to consider because we pay a heavy but often unnoticed price for our anger. Not just in terms of how we affect the unfortunate targets of our temper but also in the way that our wellbeing, our judgement and our relationships are compromised in the volcanic eruption of our anger. We say things we later regret. We feel that we lose ourselves as well as a positive sense of self-control. Whatever traces of dignity we hoped to retain are shredded in the wake of our anger. In short, no one wins and no one benefits. So, what can we do to maintain a better sense of control when we feel like exploding?
Taking a step back to create a healthy distance between our emotional reaction and whatever’s provoking our ire is the first step towards recovering our composure. The physical space leads to an emotional gap that offers us the choice about how we might wish to respond. It’s a moment in which to breathe and reflect. It’s an invitation to consider other options and resume a state of calm that neutralises the impulse to be angry and favour better choices.
In ancient times, all negative emotions, including anger, were said to be rooted in fear. When we identify the underlying fear that’s fueling our anger, we might be surprised to discover the real source of our ruffled feathers. The spark that ignites our fury might not be directly connected to the real reason for our raised blood pressure and simmering indignation. Learning to pause, even for a moment, teaches us how to separate our conditioned reflexes from a better set of reactions. In most cases, the anger is unproductive, unhelpful, damaging to our health and a waste of energy. The individual who can retain their inner peace and balance in testing circumstances will discover a natural wellspring of calm, clarity and detachment that will enhance every aspect of their life. In many ways, this is how we can open the gateway to profound levels of growth and personal development. Let it be your default position from now onwards.