Keeping a Calendar
A busy working and social life calls for a means to document activity. The former way was to write down a list on a paper calendar. It may not be the most selected option anymore, but the fact that all the tasks needed to written by hand, it is argued, means that the recall is sharper as they are better committed to memory. Back then, Filofax was the leading brand in personal organizers!
Nevertheless, with huge technological advancements, more modern and popular laptop or mobile phone alternatives such as google calendar, Microsoft Outlook, and Ical to mention a few options. There is a method for everyone and customization might include a pop up notification system, or colour coding or catchy alert sound setup. Whatever is the most personally helpful should be used. A calendar must be kept in a particular spot, so it is to hand and regularly checked for its purpose to function.
Keeping a calendar is a way to keep track of meetings, appointments, tasks for the day, as well as notes and reminders. It helps keeps tabs on the jobs to be completed, and those that need to be rescheduled. It lessens the chance of a double booking or a missed appointment. It also provides a tracking system that is useful in maintaining timelines. If it is a shared calendar, it also informs colleagues or family members of what is going on. It helps with organization, communication, transparency, and documentation.
Calendars are also a means by which to lessen anxiety for dates and timelines can be checked on and adjusted. The planned work can then be covered step by step.
Many times the hours of day have proven not enough for all the jobs even with working very long hours, which is not a solution. Consequently, it is essential to prioritize the number of activities within a day in order to allocate sufficient time to do a good job, to avoid the unproductive feeling of overload or stress, and to possess a realistic overview of task and time logistics.
In recent hardcore lock down times when work and life almost came to a standstill, the calendar diary became a means by which to chart the happenings of the day, for it could easily become a case of one day being very much like an other causing a total lack of recall. At times, it felt as if the Ground Hog day scenario could set in.
With my trusty paper calendar cum diary, I was able to set out necessary tasks and make notes on readings, articles written, new activities started, as well as the mundane tasks including cleaning rotations, which felt and continue to feel important with Corona being an ongoing issue. There would have been no way I could have checked the timeline without the diary!
To manage our schedules, time, and to practice efficiency, keeping a calendar is a key skill.