Keeping Busy and Productive
Matthew R. Bud
The Financial Executives Networking Group / The Financial Executives Consulting Group / Job Search / Speaker /
A colleague recently wrote to ask me how to keep a proper attitude when your job search stretches into what seems like an eternity. He remembered that I had mentioned on several occasions that I was unemployed for almost 2 years. (It was only 1 year and 9 months, but who’s counting?)
This is not an easy question to answer from many perspectives since time has dimmed my memory to a certain extent. (Not only about my job search, but on other things. Senior moments happen more happen more frequently lately, but I digress.) When I left my job in 1991 as Chief Financial Officer of an advertising agency, it was the first time I had been unemployed since I started working in 1971 after getting out of the Army. As I recall, the first several months were very busy. I had lots of appointments and I was sure that my job search would be brief.
I set about doing what I do best: organizing my work activities. From having been treasurer of my religious organization, I knew the value of keeping track of all of my contacts on index cards so that I could treat everyone personally. Databases like Access (1992) and Outlook (1996) hadn’t even been invented yet. During that first 6- month period, the process itself was both interesting and absorbing.
However, as the time wore on, I must admit it became more and more difficult to keep busy. I am so efficient in my work activities that I clearly had too much time on my hands. A friend invited me to attend a Connecticut Venture Group meeting. I already had business cards and was able to meet several folks at the meeting. I actually picked up a client. My plan was to try to introduce this client to my friends in the publishing business. It was an opportunity to perhaps make a little money, but just as importantly a way of approaching old friends on a basis other than “It’s Matt Bud looking for a job.”
In short, I found a way to keep busy and use my talents. Although I never closed any deals or made any serious money from these consulting activities (and I did have other clients), it didn’t matter because I had a good story to tell. Having things to do energized me. In the end, although consulting had its attractions, I got a job offer that I accepted. As luck would have it, I had two job offers that day. It is my belief, to a great extent working a few consulting assignments, even if I didn’t earn any money from them, helped keep my spirits high.
I’ve spoken to many colleagues over the years who have shared what they did to keep their minds active. Some took correspondence courses. Some took-up new hobbies or expanded the ones they had ignored for years. The important thing is to keep yourself busy with activities you find both satisfying and can somehow build who you are. If you are despondent or engaging in self-doubt, it can’t help but come out in your interviewing.
Friends, when you’re looking for another job you have no choice but to keep at it. Don’t second guess yourself.
Regards, Matt
3 年Thanks for continuing to pass on your experiences and sage advice!