Keep Yourself Charged Up!
Cherise Taylor
Hook Up Your Happy ??Workplace Happiness Consultant| Chief Happiness Officer | Positive Psychology Specialist | Operate From A Place of Peace & Harmony ?? Life Coach | Motivational Speaker
Have you ever been in that situation where you notice that your phone's charge is running low and you are in the 'red zone'? Most of us are quick to find our charger and get our phone charged up as soon as possible! We usually have a charger nearby or better yet, we keep a portable charger to ensure that we are never without a working cell phone! When all else fails, we may even ask a co-worker or stranger if we can borrow a charger for just long enough to get our phone into the 'safe zone'.
My question is, why are so many of us not as quick to action when we are running low on sleep, rest, or good healthy food? We often push ourselves to the brink of exhaustion working late evenings and weekends, running errand after errand, and pushing our selves well into our own 'red zones'. But instead of giving ourselves the care that we need, we continue to push ourselves and push ourselves with an explanation of 'it is what it is.'
Life is busy for all of us. We all wear many hats and have many responsibilities to tend to. However, what does it say for a society that acts with more care and concern to charge up their smart phones more so than to keep themselves positively charged and fueled?
As this calendar year progresses, I encourage you to value yourself and your well-being more than you have before. Pause and be conscious of your calendar. Say 'no' and 'not at this time' more often. Purpose to spend less time on your phone (that will help keep it charged) and your computer and indulge more with the people who mean the most to you. Take in nature. Feed your body good wholesome foods and pride yourself in getting your needed rest and sleep.
Keeping yourself properly charged may not happen all at once, and that's alright. One small step at a time is fine. You deserve to live life fully charged!