Keep Your Stakeholders Happy
Rajith Nair, CCXP
Operations, Project Management, Business Development, Account Management ,Transition, Customer Experience
A Stakeholder is a person with a Direct or Indirect interest in your deliverable. All our professional life we are working with multiple stakeholders. A project can be successful only if all the stakeholders are convinced and sign it off.
An individual's career is almost always defined by his Stake Holders and how they are kept engaged.
The Stakeholder Matrix is a very simple but effective tool to categorize stakeholders and determine stakeholder interaction with the project.
A Stakeholder Matrix has 2 variable which are most important to a customer : Power and Interest.
The Stakeholder Matrix has Power and Interest plotted on a chart with the x-axis being interest and the y-axis being power.?The resulting chart might feel very simple but it is a solid analysis of the stakeholder’s interaction with the project.
Step 1. Determine your Stakeholders
Step 2. Plot them in one of the four quadrants.
Step 3. Agree with the Stakeholders on Frequency of reporting. For eg. Stakeholders who need to be kept informed can be informed via an email once a month. Stakeholders who are to managed closely may need to be engaged every week or twice a week.
Step 4. Update the Matrix as and when new Stakeholders are added or removed.