Keep Your Power
Christopher Howard
"How do the world’s top influencers, coaches, and CEOs dominate their industries? They call me."
These Sony hacked articles are something that the public should ban reading and giving any attention whatsoever; and the media should ban any airtime as well. I have personally had all of my accounts hacked for the financial gain and exploitation of others so I understand it and know it well and I find the whole thing despicable. I read somewhere recently that Oprah Winfrey, mentioned that we should not rush to judgement over details of emails of Sony executives. And she's absolutely 100% right. People can be irreverent, can joke, can say things behind the scenes that have no baring on how they really feel. We can communicate something behind closed doors that would never represent a public stance that we take. I know that I have personally done that and I believe that most anybody else has. It's a sign that we need to be all the more cautious in written correspondence, but I believe that we can also take responsibility at multiple other levels in order to do our best to stop this as well. So as salacious as it may be I will not read another news article or post that "reveals" Sony's private information and I would like to suggest that everyone who is concerned about your own invasion of privacy do the same. This is an issue that will become more rampant as well as we move into the future. We cannot support in any way shape or form those who would sabotage or commercially "terrorize" others through illegal invasions of privacy. Rumors and innuendos are poison.
Founder of The WellYOU Coach | MPH, CWWS, CWP
10 年Thank you for sharing the higher road perspective. I resonate with how we all have had a moment of speaking words that were not coming from a loving conscious intention. Gratitude for the reminders that our humanity is fragile and we are responsible for every word we speak whether they are hijacked or said behind closed doors. One moment at a time is all we have. How will I choose to show up? Intentions....that is my word for these times. May we all learn to focus on the greater gift of compassion before we speak or act. Many blessings to you Chris!
Key Account Manager Santen UK
10 年Hi Chris, This is really well put. Clearly none of us would endorse anything that might be said that would be 'way of the wall' in terms of criminality or damaging behaviour - but in this case we are talking about something very different. I'm sure the 'journalists' who take pleasure in sharing these stories would be the first to admit, in private, that they too may at times have said things in the privacy of trusted company that they really had no intention of following through on. Nicely stated as always Chris ! Have a great Christmas vacation Sean :-)
Founder & Executive Coach at LCTW (
10 年Very well said Chris. It is truly a fine line between idle gossip and our right to privacy. As I remember from your PPST classes, when a speaker is congruent between their internal AND expressed (external) Values the outcome is always believable, pure and wholesome. If more people believed in, and conducted their daily business congruent with their prized personal Values, incidents such as this sort of hacking and commercial terrorism would fade into the realms of the lunatic fringe. I know that we believe in FREEDOM..... We are Free to THINK, to SPEAK, and DO anything we desire, So long as it is Not Illegal, Not Immoral, Not Hurting Anybody else. Like you Chris, I've had a gutfull of those selfish and ignorant members of our society who wear blinkers so tight on their head that they can only see their own narrow immature greed for self-gratification and profit. So, I decided to keep my integrity and stand up for the silent majority. I have registered and published and in 2015, I will be blogging on such things as I come across them. The name of my blog site will be: The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth... I hope that when it all gets going you will visit and participate by sharing your experiences & opinions with us all. Thank you again for being my Teacher, even it was for only a little while. Best Wishes to you and yours for the Holidays and the New Year. Uncle Pete