Keep your Laptop and Desktop Happy
Prepare tools such as blower or vacuum cleaner.
Brush, special mobile/laptop screwdriver kit,
alchohol pads,
thermal compound,
If the device is too old then better to change the CMOS battery.
Search the disassembling video on YouTube with your laptop or desktop model number.
Perform this job when you are completely free and relax. In a clean environment and complete isolation.
Cover the laptop screen with plastic wrap/cling film.
Use appropriate screw driver for each screw.
Keep all screws in a safe location.
Use pencil rubber to clean the ram modules by rubbing the circuit contacts gently.
Rest of the parts clean with the brush and then blow the dust away or vacuum as feasible for you.
In case of vacuum, attach small brush at the end of pipe, especially for the motherboard.
Clean the old thermal compound in solid form from the processor and the motherboard main chip with alcohol wipes/swabs.
Dry and remove the leftover with blower.
Apply the thermal compound and assemble it back.
If your computer still contains HDD better to replace with SSD and you will see the major difference in booting and data transfer speed.
Wanna watch the video for upgrading your computer from HDD to SSD please ClickHere.