Keep your heart healthy and happy
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
A strong heart is one thing and a healthy heart is another. This year (as every year) marathon runners will drop dead. Top athletes will die young. Those dedicated to a healthy regime will find that much (not all) is a waste of time. As with everything, moderation is a key factor. A strong heart can be cultivated by exercise of pushing your muscles to the limit. It is not wise to push yourself to your limits. A healthy heart can be cultivated by avoiding stress. If you find your work, social situation, relationships, or life in general, stressful, then you should take steps to avoid such situations. Do not relieve stress by dulling it. It is better to eat when hungry, and not eat when not hungry.
Don't eat because the clock tells you to. It is better to have your last meal of the day in early evening rather than late evening, and even better to have several small meals instead of one large one. Sleep when you are tired. Never put off sleeping if possible. Learn to sleep for very short periods. You can do so it for a few minutes, and even seconds. You can get through stressful periods by taking short naps.
Our heart is pushing millions of gallons of blood to every part of the body beating around 2.5 billion times over the average lifetime. It performs so well, for so many long years, for so many people. But their are certain factors also that can put it in danger like poor diet and lack of exercise, smoking, infection, unlucky genes, and more. So it becomes necessary to keep your heart healthy and strong. Here are few points which may help in keeping the heart healthier-
There are certain herbs like Garlic, Onion which plays a crucial role in keeping the heart healthy by lowering down triglyceride levels. EPA and DHA are omega-3 fatty acids, are having widespread health-promoting effects, especially for the heart disease. Being Physically Active is the key, Aerobic exercises such as Brisk Walking, Running helps in strengthening the Cardiac muscles of the heart. Try to eliminate unnecessary stress out of your life because stress increases the risk of heart diseases.
Do Yoga, meditate which helps you to keep yourself calm. Eat a well balanced diet including whole grains, fruits, veggies rich in antioxidants promoting heart health. Having a healthier heart is a part of overall healthy lifestyle and it is essential to keep our heart healthy to get the most of our life and to live up our full potential. hope the above points will help.
One of the ways is to ditch animal-products completely. They’re high in cholesterol, trans fats, & saturated fats. They also cause your body to produce TMAOs (trimethylene A-oxide), known as ‘the molecule from hell’, which also contributes to heart-disease. You also want to eat foods which naturally lower cholesterol, such as gooseberries, have a healthy weight, & do cardio frequently. But the single thing with the most efficiency? Drop animal-products.
Other important point is to stop consuming 'white foods' like low fibre wheat flour (maida) also reduce your urge for salty, sugary and fatty foods. If you are smoking then you should quit. Must control your BP (blood pressure). Salt intake should be reduced. Must have a healthy diet. You should have a regular check up with your doctor. Must exercise regularly. You should reduce stress because it affects your mind and heart. Must control your blood sugar. Start your happy day with exercise,walking or yoga.Remember to drink minimum 3 liters of water to remove harsh toxins from your body. Sleep for minimum 7 hours. )avoid junk food. Limit your salt intake and cook food by minimum oil. Always end your day by meditation for at least 10–15minutes to induce good quality sleep.
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2 年Very useful Thank you for sharing
Housekeeper on PICU ward
2 年Beautiful?
SEO Content Writer | Technical Content Writer | Non-Technical Content Writer
2 年Great share with good advice Kishore Shintré ji
2 年Kishore Shintré.. good morning ????. Good advice . I have been following food guides for years . No fried foods , no white flour , reduced salt and sugars and no animal fat . Exercise always. Reducing stress and pain is crucial , as it increases BP and heart rate. ? Thank you ????