Keep your head up. Don't Stop
Finance and Monitoring and Evaluation Manager at Propella Business Incubator
The harder they fall the higher they bounce
I'VE noticed that in life there seems to be a common trend of setbacks and delays to those who end up on top.
It looks like before the gain there is usually a preceding pain, which is the reason why those who will win in this life need to those possess a unique disposition. They need a winning attitude, guts and nerves of steel that can take anything from pain, failure, disappointments, rejection and betrayal to name a few as these are sure to meet up with you on your way up in life.
Nothing of value and great worth comes easy in life. Anything golden must be dug from way deep in the ground. If you desire anything great in life you must be willing to sacrifice for it, work for it and wait for it before you can release.
Often on the way up one gets knocked down hard, we fall flat on our faces. I've released that it's when we fall hardest that we are raised highest.
Remember Jesus Christ who is celebrated by the world today had to be betrayed, beaten, battered and buried before he could be resurrected. Before he could ascend high into the heavens he had to be shamed on the cross and descend deep into the tomb.
Before Nelson Mandela could ascend into the Union buildings he had to descend deep into the cell of Robben Island. This is true for many success stories out there.
So next time you are refused and hit a solid wall on your way up, don't say it's a setback but declare to yourself that it's nothing but a setup.
The bible declares in Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Yes God will allow tests in your life so you can have a testimony, He will allow trials so you can triumph.
So keep the faith in God, walk on.
Your best is ahead of you.- Pastor L Jadezweni