Keep Your Faith!
Carey Conley
I am on a mission to save 1 million lives by helping youth, adults, and parents decipher their life vision and purpose.
This Saturday is?International Survivors of Suicide Day
Those of you that know me, know I lost my husband in 2014 and then my son in August of 2017. Just 3 years apart.?Over the last seven years, this is a topic that is nearest and dearest to my heart.
My daughter Laurel and I Co-Authored a book together in 2019 called?"Keep Looking Up". The purpose of us doing the book was not so much to tell our story, although we do share that in a lot of the chapters, but it is more about what has been helpful for us and what we learned in our journey, sharing how you can go through life through your adversity.
I want to share the three biggest things I think are probably what helped us the most to get through our adversity, and keep getting us through it every single day.
We chose the title of our book, “Keep Looking Up”, because we want people to understand that the biggest thing that has helped us get through?everything?is our faith. Knowing that one day we'll all be together in heaven. To be with my husband and my son, and that this temporary world is just that - it's just temporary. If you don't have faith I encourage you to talk to somebody about that today and if you are not in our?Vision Driven Life?group, I invite you to join us there. We go into a lot, and talk about these items at great length.
I just wanted to share that with you and let you know that I'm aware that a lot of you are dealing with some tough stuff and we're here for you.
Thank you, be blessed, and be grateful for your family.
Keep Looking UP!
I recently was introduced to this amazing organization, and I am going to be getting involved in their mission. Please read about them, and I hope you will feel led to donate. Any amount helps. Generation?Why was officially established by?Jordan Miller in 2017. Due to Jordan's personal story, he and all the members of Generation Why aim to motivate every generation by revealing their purpose and providing opportunities to pursue it. Generation Why believes in your worthiness, your story, and your future. Suicide is preventable when we work together! One way we help young adults is through suicide prevention by promoting mental health awareness - suicide rates are ever-growing in our country today which makes us more determined than ever to share our message with others out there who need it most!!!