Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
What practical steps can we take to improve our life? The first step is quieting our minds and realizing that thoughts are not true. Thoughts are random events. Many are true and many are echoes of negative voices from our past. Choose thoughts that empower you. Let the negative thoughts dissolve. They aren’t true.
When are minds are peaceful, we can reflect on where we want to go in life. What is our purpose? What dreams about our future energize and excite us? Where would we like this journey to lead? With that intention firmly in our mind, we take the first logical step to moving toward our goal. Then we take the next step. We keep our eyes on the prize and continue in a good, orderly direc- tion towards a rewarding and soul-nourishing future, our future. We may have to move on from former friends or we may be fortunate enough to have fiends who will support and encourage our new dream. Decide which friends are com- ing and keep moving forward. Shed all negative influences that could hold you back.
Once you are focused on a goal, doors will open and powerful forces will assist you. Some day when you are much older you will look back and your life’s jour- ney will seem as perfectly constructed as a great novel. Make improvements to your diet and commit to daily physical and spiritual exercises that will keep you clean and clear. Keep your eyes on the prize. Do something every day that moves your life toward a happier, more rewarding future..