Keep your App users
Keep your App users, entertain your App users, give your App users your life and soul. Is this what keeping up with your App maintenance is starting to feel like? I’m not surprised, it’s not easy, but it is SO worth it. By keeping your App designer on board even after your App launch, you’ll have someone to monitor your downloads, users and most importantly – Keeping your App up to date.
Keeping your App up to date doesn’t just mean squashing the bugs and keeping your App running, but also engaging your users from inside your App. User engagement and retention are crucial, vital non-negotiable, inside your App should be treated like a palace tour, keep the users served, nothing is too much for them and make sure there are no bugs. Marketing from within your App shouldn’t be sloppy sales with Ads jumping out at people every 5 seconds, even if your App runs on paid Ads, ensure the Ads are well placed to not get in the way of game play or usage.
Reasons App users leave
There are 4 main reasons deletions happen, these should be used as your main “don’ts” when considering how your App will look and run. Creating an App isn’t a 2-day process, it takes time to create Apps which will last.
Try for “free” There is nothing that breaks trust quicker than a slap in the face lie from a seller, if your App says try for free, then its better mean try for free – NOT try a free demo of one specific sector of the App. This causes instant deletion, and no money for you.?Offering complete free access to your App begore purchasing shows that you’re confident in your Apps abilities, whether that be problem solving, entertaining … whichever sector your App is in it doesn’t matter, don’t lie to users.
Not actual gameplay This is seen a lot, and not just on mobile Apps, this originated in games such as Kingdom of Hearts, Far Cry, Spyro, they show you a clip and then specify that its not actual game play. The main reason the bigger games get away with it is because of the fandom, they’re actually showing you the story line that is happening outside of the game, these games have books written about them and the characters have lives outside of the games which you can interact with. Comicon anyone? Console games are created for the long-haul gaming seasons, however mobile Apps people tend to look more for quick play, and want to be as entertained as possible on their travels home, mobile gaming sessions only tend to last between 4-5 minutes. So, if your advert doesn’t match your gameplay and bores the user quickly in the short gameplay session, you’re guaranteed to be leaving their interface – Byeeee Feliciaaaa!
In App purchases There are always special products, diamonds, levels, areas, knowledge, features … that users can buy; you need to stop making it never ending. As soon as a user starts to feel used for their money and like you’re not taking care of them, you’ll be deleted. In App purchases give you the extra dosh, and your users’ special items, which is a fair trade, but, making them never ending is just not fair on the users, to keep your App users treat the fairly, they survived before your App and will survive without it. Can you survive without them? Keep pushing unnecessary in App purchases and you’ll have to find out.
No personalisation User profiles, being able to make your App their own little space in their phone, people live for being invited and feeling welcome. Give them that, make sure they can personalise inside your App as much as possible. If you allow users to tailor ads then even better, giving your users some of the control back makes them feel valued, which means you’ll keep your App users.
Listen to your App developer
App developers like us, have seen it all, and know what we’re talking about. If your App developer tells you that there’s no space in the market, then you’re better off listening to them, they’re able to help you modify your idea so that however you create your App it doesn’t go to waste. Look at games like Candy Crush Saga, there are now thousands of off-brand games which have copied them, and I bet that you can’t name 5 of them off the top of your head, I know I can’t.
Your App doesn’t just need to look pretty, it needs to work and make sense to outside users, how you and I would mentally carry out the sum 48 + 52 is completely different (I would do: 8+2=10, 10+40=50, 50+50=100), this is the same for how each of us would set up and App, App developers’ whole business is creating user friendly Apps. They’ll talk you through UI (User Interface; visual and interactive elements of a product interface, such as buttons, menu bars, icons, and more) and UX (User Experience; design refers to the experience a user has when interacting with a product. Both UI and UX need experienced people on top of them, a messy uncoordinated App won’t bring people back.?