Keep the world beating
Like all other organs of the human body; blood is as so important to individuals’ life as to sustain humanity over all. Blood and its products are very essential resources for an effective management of women suffering from bleeding associated with pregnancy and childbirth, children having severe anemia due to malaria and malnutrition, patients with blood disorders, inherited disorders of hemoglobin and immune deficiency conditions, victims of emergencies, disasters and accidents, as well as patients undergoing advanced medical and surgical procedures.
The need for blood supply is universal and having a sufficient blood supply is, undoubtedly, necessary for every country on earth. Therefore, to ensure that everyone who needs transfusion has access to safe blood, all countries need voluntary, unpaid blood donors who give blood regularly. In fact, many developed countries worldwide are probably able to rely on voluntary, unpaid blood donations to meet their blood supply needs.
However, finding those volunteers and making sure that the blood is safe is still a big issue in some developing countries. Hence, they often have to rely on either family, relatives or friends in some cases to donate blood, especially in cases of emergency and surgery. Usually, there is a constant need for a supply of blood because it can be stored only for a limited period of time before use. Regular blood donations by a sufficient number of healthy people is highly needed to ensure that blood is always available whenever and wherever it is needed in the country.
Accordingly, an effective blood donation programme or public campaigns, with a wide and active participation of the population, is crucial to meet the need of blood transfusion during peace time as well as during emergencies or disasters, when there is a surge in demand for blood or when the normal operations of blood services is affected. Offering an appealing social and cultural atmosphere with strong harmony facilitates development of such an effective programme. It is also widely acknowledged that the act of blood donation contributes to cementing social ties and building a united community.
Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to others as a gift of life. The decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components that are red cells, platelets and plasma, which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions. Safe blood saves millions of lives each year. Donating blood is a simple procedure that can be done within a few minutes. It is assumed that sparing only 15 minutes to donate blood could save 3 lives of people. Donating blood brings a life back to power!
The donated blood marks a lifeline in an emergency and for people who need long-term treatments. Every drop of blood is like a breath for someone, so one shall never refuse to donate blood if s/he can, as the donors might be the next needy for blood. To give blood, one needs neither an extra strength nor extra food. If you are a blood donor, you are a hero to someone, somewhere, who strongly needs blood. One shall always contribute to keeping the blood bank shelves full as everybody might need blood someday!
The world commemorates the World Blood Donor Day on June 14, it is time to roll up your sleeves and donate blood to save life! Tears of a mother cannot save her child’s life, but your blood can. People can get along without teeth or hair, but not without blood. You don’t have to have a degree to safe life; you have to have a fair degree of humanity and donate blood. The colour of human blood is red all over the world, so you can donate blood anywhere. This lifesaving care starts with one person making a generous donation; the need for blood is endless.