Keep up-to-date on the COVID-19 and reduce risks
Anindya Bhaumik - Digital Marketing Expert in Kolkata
Digital Marketing Consultant with 20 years of experience
Coronavirus or COVID-19 becomes a threat around the globe. May it is generated in China but, today almost every country is frightened of the fast-spreading of this virus. Many people are feeling helpless, unsafe and terrified about what is going to happen in their lives. China, Italy, Iran, Spain, Germany, South Korea, France, USA, Switzerland, and United Kingdom are at high risk where the disease has spread dreadfully and has killed and infected a huge number of populations.
What is COVID-19?
Coronaviruses are nothing but an outsized cluster of viruses that can lead to illness in animals and humans. Some coronaviruses usually cause upper respiratory troubles such as coughing or runny nose, even though a few can bring about more serious health issues. COVID-19 is an infectious respiratory illness coronavirus disease and becomes one of the greatest threats across the world.
This disease was identified in Wuhan, China, and is being spread throughout the sphere at a fast pace. People are recommended to take common precautions to check the outspread of this infectious disease.
How it spreads?
Coronaviruses are most likely to spread through the air by sneezing and coughing through close personal contact like touching and shaking hands or through touching your nose, mouth or eyes without washing your hands. If you touch an object with viruses and immediately touch your mouth, nose or eyes you may get infected by it. You can get more information about how the disease spreads by the following links:
how to protect yourself and your community from getting and spreading respiratory illnesses
Symptoms of coronavirus disease
Symptoms are just like common influenza like fever, sneezing, cough, and in some cases, difficulty in breathing. Some may experience throat pains, muscle aches, headaches or diarrhea. Symptoms may differ from person to person and sometimes the infected person has no symptoms as described before. The signs may appear within 2-14 days of exposure or later.
In case of emergency signs, you need immediate medical attention. Emergency symptoms include:
- · Difficulty in breathing
- · High fever with excessive dry coughing
- · Pressure or severe pain in the chest
- · Face and lips become bluefish
Basic protective measures against COVID-19
You may afraid of the outbreak of coronavirus disease but, you should know that most of the infected people are recovered from the illness after getting the right treatment. Don’t get panic. Stay updated about the latest information about it. Protection should start from your home. Some simple steps to reduce the risks are:
· Frequently wash your hands
It is recommended to wash hands frequently with alcohol-based hand wash or use alcohol-based hand rubs frequently. It kills the viruses that may be on your hands.
· Sustain social distance
It is a must to maintain at least 3 feet distance when you are interacting with someone. When a person sneezes or coughs, it releases small liquid droplets in the air. They may contain viruses. So, maintain a protective distance while talking with others or reduce communicating with others as much as possible.
· Avoid touching mouth, eyes, and nose
You may touch different surfaces that contain viruses. And these viruses enter into the body when you touch your mouth, eyes, and noses with the infected hands. So, it is suggested not to touch your mouth, nose, and eyes before washing hands with soaps.
· Practice respiratory hygiene
Always use a tissue while coughing and sneezing and throw it in a dustbin after use. Make sure that the people around you maintain the same practice to increase respiratory hygiene. Use a clean and hygienic facemask or cover your mouth if you are working publicly.
· Seek medical care once you have symptoms or fever
If you have any of the mentioned symptoms, stay at home, consult the local medical authority for further help, and follow their instructions. It will reduce the spreading of viruses.
To know about the protection measures for people who have recently visited the area where COVID-19 is spreading, follow the below link
We need to take the right action, to take back the control, but we don't spread fear and unnecessary tensions among people. When fears appear, it makes us less rational, and this adds unnecessary stress to our bodies at the time when we all need to be strong.
We, humans, have confronted with many deadly situations and diseases. We can do what we have in our limits. So, stop getting afraid and stay protective, maintain hygiene, and take plenty of fluids to enhance your safety. Hold a positive mindset, be calm and help others to do the same to fight against the challenging situation.