Keep in touch with friends always
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Once again a story to start with.Once a Monkey wished to die due to sadness, he pulled the ears of a sleeping Lion. The Lion woke up and roared with anger: - Who did this? Who has invited his death? Monkey :- I did Maharaj. I am very much depressed due to lack of friends and I want to die, why don't you kill me. The Lion asked with a laugh :- Did anyone see you while pulling my ears? Monkey :- No, Chief! Lion :- Okay, pull a few more times, it feels very good. The Essence of this Story is "By Living Alone, even the King of the Forest gets Bored. Therefore, be in Touch with your Friends. Keep pulling their Ears, Legs, Dragging, Blabbering and keep on having Fun.
Do believe that true friends always have each other’s back even when they are not around each other all the time. Yet taking this fact for granted will no longer be enough. One thing my best friend and I always firmly believe in is that friendship needs effort and your time. Even though we are not in the same university, we text pretty much on a daily basis, about anything and everything that makes us laugh, or annoys us.
The importance of this is the immediacy of our reactions towards each other’s daily happenings. The problem with just meeting up with old friends only once a semester is the loss of that immediacy. We wait for a semester before having the opportunity to update each other about what had happened. More often than not, our emotional highs have already passed and those daily happenings seem so trivial in retrospect, and no longer affect you as much as that very moment. By that time, you neither have the impetus to share those happenings, nor can your friends empathise.
And because the greatest gift you can give anyone is your time, I do believe that friendship is two ways and cannot be sustained merely by the occasional meet ups. It requires the constant effort to keep up with each other’s life. Some of us may have taken this fact for granted and assumed that everyone will always be there for each other. And before we realize it, we have drifted too far apart from some people that we can no longer keep up with. I guess this is a part of growing up. How some people grow up and grow apart, while some of us grow up but we grow in such a way that brings us closer together
It is important if you value someone. Relationships require nurturing to some degree if they are going to be meaningful. I used to have a neighbour that I gave a lot of time to. He was here from another country and a very pleasant person to know. At that time I didn’t have the same duties I have now. He left for the US and some years later returned. During his time away, he was scattered and didn’t maintain contact, although I had done much for him, including cleaning his apartment when he had left and giving him new luggage that was given to me as a gift.
When he returned home he expected me to drop everything for him. That hasn’t happened and it won’t happen because he didn’t show how much he valued the friendship. I don’t expect a lot of others. People have busy lives. But a friend should be friendly and if the relationship is meaningful, people should show value when they’re able. I don’t mean a lot of time, just now and then connect. Thoughtfulness shows value and respect to each other.
And from the external point of view my life has never been better. I have a great job, social life, money etc. However, with every passing day all these things feel less and less valuable to me. I am not connected to who I am, I am not connected with my feelings and thoughts. Nothing matters. Jobs are greats, friends are great, but your internal world is what you have to live with for eternity. Therefore spiritually you need to connect to yourself and your soul and find your purpose of living and that will surely open up many doors for you to explore new things life has to offer, be open minded and happy always, Cheers!