Keep Teenagers Safe From Dangerous Social Media Trends
Panter, Panter & Sampedro, P.A.
A Miami Law Firm Dedicated To Protecting Florida's Family
The latest in a series of dangerous social media trends is being called the “Nyquil Chicken Challenge”. Many Tik Tok users have participated in this challenge, which has prompted the?Food and Drug Administration?to issue a warning stating that cooking chicken in Nyquil is dangerous and could have deadly consequences.?
The Twitter account “NyQuil & DayQuil” managed by the brand’s parent company responded to users tagging them in Nyquil Chicken posts with the following statement: “ Consumer safety is our number one priority, and we do not endorse inappropriate use of our product. NyQuil is an OTC medication that treats nighttime symptoms of the common cold & flu. It should be taken as directed using the dosage cup provided, not to exceed 4 doses in 24 hrs.”
What is the Nyquil Chicken Challenge??
Also known as the “sleepy chicken challenge”, the Nyquil chicken social media trend involves cooking chicken in cold and flu syrups and then eating the concoction. Although originally intended as a joke on Twitter, which?started in 2017, the challenge seems to have taken a dangerous turn for the worse in recent months, prompting younger users on TikTok to try the trend themselves.?
Why is the Sleepy Chicken Challenge Dangerous??
According to the FDA,?“boiling a medication can make it much more concentrated and change its properties in other ways.” When consumers cook a medication they may also be inhaling dangerously high levels of the medication’s vapors. The act of cooking and then eating food marinated in cough syrup could damage the lungs and cause a person to ingest toxic amounts of medication without realizing it. In an article for?National Public Radio (NPR), writer Matt Adams compares this challenge with previous dangerous challenges like the Tide Pod Challenge and Cinnamon Challenge.?
Dangerous Social Media Trends Targeted At Teenagers
The FDA’s warning about the “sleepy chicken challenge” is not the first time the Agency speaks out about a social media trend involving?over-the-counter drugs. In 2020, the FDA released a statement warning TikTok users not to engage in a challenge that involved taking large amounts of Benadryl to induce hallucinations. At the time the FDA’s statement was released, many teenagers had already been admitted to emergency rooms, and some had died due to an overdose of the over-the-counter medication.?
How To Protect Teenagers From Social Media Drug Challenges
The most important weapon adults have in protecting their teenagers from dangerous trends is to sit down and speak to them. According to the FDA, parents and caregivers should remind teenagers that “social media trends can lead to real, sometimes irreversible, damage,” and that overdoses can happen with over-the-counter medication as well as prescription drugs.?
The?Centers for Disease Control and Prevention?(CDC) recommends that all medications be locked away and out of sight of children and teenagers. Further, medication should never be left near a?sick child’s bedside. When a teenager is ill and must take medication, adults should take the time to explain the appropriate dosage information and the risks of taking too much or ingesting it in a way that is not advised by the manufacturer.?
Safety Resources For Our South Florida Community
At Panter, Panter & Sampedro, we strive to help keep our communities safe by being a resource and hope individuals will employ these tips. We are a leading personal injury law firm dedicated to protecting Florida’s families. Please contact us at (305) 662-6178 for a free consultation.?