Keep Talking About Diversity- If You Want To Change It.
Maria Campbell, MBA
Owner, Imagine Impact LLC ~ Project Manager + Branding Photography | Chef + Founder Cooks Who Care | Self-published Community Cookbook
Maria Campbell, CEC, MBA Founder/Cooks Who Care
How do we become more aware of reflexive actions and unconscious feelings towards gender? The zero-sum economic arguments that we so often resort to, do not represent the caring regard we have for our co-workers, friends and our jobs. Men, women, minorities want to speak up and we want them to do it more.
Your voice is needed in today's culture. Real strength is the power to admit our challenges because diversity and inclusivity will resolve disparities between men and women that become more pronounced the more senior staff members become. Convert avoided talks into conversations you are able to engage in.
We need to be advocates for women, minorities or anyone marginalized in society. We suggest becoming an advocate in your workplace. But what does an advocate do?
An advocate… stands up for people with out stepping over them.
An advocate… listens to develop a deeper understanding and addresses issues.
An advocate... drops winner takes all approach and takes on a rising tide raises all boats approach.
An advocate… partners with people to make solutions.
An advocate… recognizes that distrust is a reaction to a long-time experience as a minority.
An advocate... creates space where it is safe to talk about gender diversity issues and make mistakes.
We want all hands on deck working on this problem. We can tackle diversity issues as advocates together - one situation at a time, one conversation at a time.
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In order to bring a solution-oriented approach to the food community, Cooks Who Care hosted a roundtable panel discussion on the topic of Women’s Voices & Leadership in the Food Industry. We held this private event in May 2018. As part of Cooks Who Care's mission of social inclusivity, we want to continue to normalize conversations about how ALL PEOPLE are treated in our workplaces, regardless of their gender identity or gender expression. This means making sure that everyone has a seat at the table and the freedom to speak their minds. We are relieved that so many women and men felt able to come forward with us to share their experiences and ask for better treatment.
See these topics addressed in this humbling video. Thank you to all of the participants with the courage to speak up and to our moderator Claudia Consolati, PhD, Professor of Film and Women’s Studies at The University of the Arts, and Founder of The Women Speak Up Project, an organization that teaches women how to make their voices heard and finally have the impact they crave.
Click and watch our CWC YouTube video:
After listening to the food industry Front House (FOH) and Back of House (BOH) perspectives we shared, consider these 4 burning questions:
---> 1. How can you foster an open dialogue between men and women to support the rise of female leadership in a way that is respectful for all?
---> 2. How can you make sure women and minorities get the leadership positions they desire in the food industry?
---> 3. What confidence tools are needed for women to speak up and speak out?
---> 4. What do men need to be aware of, re: women’s and minorities challenges, and how they can become powerful allies? Do you see comparisons to your own field that are relatable?
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These questions can only be addressed in an environment of mutual respect & active listening. Staying silent only perpetuates the problem. If you wish for Cooks Who Care to speak at your next event or panel, please contact me, Founder/Cooks Who Care by email at [email protected]
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