Keep The Spark Alive In A Relationship…”KISS “
Rare is the couple that after 20 or 30 years of being together–or even a couple of years, for that matter–still experiences the same high level of sexual passion that existed at the beginning of their relationship,
Passionate love may be more prominent in the earlier stages of a relationship, but it is often compassionate love that sustains a relationship over time, if you were in passionate love forever, you'd probably lose your job and have no friends because you'd be sexing 24/7.
Even though your compassionate love will grow, the passionate love doesn't have to completely disappear. If all other aspects of the relationship are generally good, then couples can view this development as absolutely normal. It doesn’t mean that your romantic life cannot be rekindled.
Figure out what your partner wants more of and commit to doing it (as long as it's something you're comfortable with, of course), I suggest things like one of you promising the other 20 minutes of foreplay at least once a week. This can help make sure you're doing things both of you enjoy over time instead of letting them fall by the wayside.
These promises don't only have to be physical! You can definitely make them about emotional needs as well, like telling each other why you're grateful for the relationship at least once a week.
That can help combat what I call "creeping apathy," or taking each other for granted without even realizing it. This lack of gratitude is what I refer to as the emotional black hole of relationships. It is, at the end of the day, a relationship killer..
The easiest way to do it is by asking each other questions that go there
Do you really think I'm the best for you right now?
Do you feel we're living up to the dreams we had when we started this relationship?
When these new activities are enjoyable, that tends to increase your attachment to each other, and you have more in common to help further build the 'glue' of your relationship.
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.
Thank you …Kissing is like facial intercourse. It’s one of the most intimate things we can do as human beings.
Kissing is a lot like sex in its uniqueness. Each person has their own preferences, which can change throughout their lifetime. I know that what makes a toe-curling kiss for one person might fall flat for somebody else.
Some people prefer a rougher, more intense kiss, while others want it slow and soft. For some, enjoyment of a kiss may depend entirely on the context.
The diversity of opinions that there’s no one “perfect” kiss. Instead, there are a lot of different ways you can take your kisses to an entirely new level depending on what you and your partner like.
Asking for permission to kiss may seem stodgy, but it can honestly be hot. For some people, this is a sign of respect that will make them want to kiss you even more. “Consent is sexy,”
Want to add word or two?
Kissing with tongue (also known as French kissing) can be really pleasurable for some people, but you should make sure to introduce your tongue into your partner’s mouth slowly and sensually. (Unless you’ve both verbalized that you’re into more intense tongue action right off the bat.) As you may have experienced, an unexpected tongue darting in and out of your mouth can be an unwelcome surprise.
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Chemistry and harmony of the tongue make kisses amazing,
When you just slow down and channel the other person’s next move, you feel connected to them intimately.
Start slowly, and work your way into rougher kisses,
Coax my tongue into your mouth, starting with just the tip.
Among people who love French kissing, everyone has a different threshold for the intensity. so it’s best to build your way up slowly, and make sure your partner is enjoying it, too.
Of course, “slobber,” “sloppy,” and “happy saliva medium” are relative terms when it comes to spit-swapping. One person’s overwhelming slobber can be another’s super-sexy, romantic French kissing session.
You won’t know how your kissing partner feels about saliva unless you ask. Even something as simple as, “Is this OK?” or, “Do you like that?” may do the trick.
Kissing can be about more than just the lips. Holding and caressing your partner’s face and body can take the romance into new territory. A good kisser will kiss with their lips but reinforce with subtle gestures of bodily intimacy,
When her fiancé uses his hands as well as his lips.
He has this whole-body approach that I love,
He has his hands in my hair, and he pulls me in close, really tightly, and presses against me.
I love when a man holds my face when he kisses me,
It makes me feel cherished.
If you introduce your hands when kissing, you’ll still want to proceed slowly and make sure to be attuned to your partner’s body.
Start out [sensually], hold her face, or have a hand gently placed at the back of the neck, Listen to her body and your own.
And remember it’s always good to ask if you’re even remotely unsure about how your partner feels about what you’re doing or want to do, whether it’s touching their body or anything else.
When it comes to delivering little nips or bites, you want to be frisky as opposed to accidentally harmful. No drawing blood allowed!
Shared her most sublime kisses, which were “full of passion and love,” Try gently nibbling your partner’s bottom lip while you’re kissing, then gauge their response and move from there.
No matter how bomb your kissing technique, dry, cracked lips can make the experience uncomfortable for both partners. It's worth doing what you can to keep your lips soft for everyone’s pleasure. Having soft, pillowy lips makes everything better.
If you’re not a regular lip balm user, now would be the time to start. If you have a lot of dead, flaky skin on your lips, don’t pick at it. This can lead to bleeding. Instead, regularly exfoliate your lips with a wet washcloth or a sugary lip scrub, and then apply a thick layer of moisturizing balm right before bed. .
If you’re distracted, you might miss out on apparent cues that your partner is loving the kiss, like tiny moans or the way they’re leaning into you. Being in the moment can also help you notice if your partner is doing something like slightly pulling away, in which case you can back off and make sure they’re OK with continuing to kiss.
Finally, being in the moment allows you to fully give yourself over to kissing’s heady rush. It’s a classic way to make it a better experience for both of you.
Making good kisses even better is a lifelong skill. You need to be open to communicating your own desires, as well as listening to what your partner wants.
If your partner has kind and respectful kissing feedback for you, try not to take it personally. No one comes out of the womb as a seasoned kissing expert, and everyone has their own preferences.
Getting kissing feedback doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong, just that the two of you have to figure out how to make your kissing styles up match up in a more tingle-inducing way.
In that case, the best thing to do is listen, learn, and improve through a lot of kissing practice. All in all, it’s not the worst way to spend your time.
It makes sense that you‘ve grown more alike as you age— and practically grew up together.
The younger you are when you get into a committed relationship, the less time you have had to develop independent habits. As a result, you are likely to have a lot of shared experience that has shaped language and behaviour.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
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