Keep smiling
Oladele Dosunmu
Passionate about seeing the Alkebulan of my dream emerge. I am unapologetically African. We are building the Emerging Alkebulan. Titles don't matter. Disrupting the status quo. Thought provoker. Afro-Centric to the core.
A smile is a happy or friendly expression on the face which describes your emotion at that particular time. A smile is also a free gift which every single person can share if and when there is a need to. I will go as far as saying, " always smile".
In my daily life as a service personel I see a lot of facial expressions. To be honest, what I see most is frowns and fed up faces not smiles. This does baffle me as to why the people I come across are always in this non-smiley mood. I can tell you why! People are not happy with what they do, they are going through the motions just to get by, they are not in their PURPOSE or CALLING. Otherwise I should see a lot more happy smiley faces everyday, which is not the case. I love smiling a lot, people call me the smiley face. When you smile it lifts the mood of people around you, it can become contagious and it creates a good atmosphere around you. This piece is not just about the smile. But about you, your journey in life and about your attitude towards your journey.
Make up your mind that you are consciously going to smile whatever your situation, you will notice the change it creates in you and for the people around you. You need to be self aware, you not smiling will drag down the people around you, it will polute the atmosphere. Where ever you are either at work, home or socialising a smile goes a long way. When you have a dream and a focus in life and you think of the possiblities and what you intend to achieve and where you intend to be you will keep smiling. People will always wonder why you're always happy, but you will know the reason within yourself. What you do unconsciously with a smile is encouraging someone else. That's why I keep smiling. A smile cost nothing, it's free.