Keep it Simple

Keep it Simple

Why would God make it so complex to understand Christianity?


Visualize Whirled Peas

I am going to make several posts to this video. Your employment of the Venn Tables is an excellent method of inquiry. Topology is the mathematics of the unconscious: Kurt Lewin posits a model of the unconscious as a chaotic system of various and diverse fields with boundaries of varying permeability: some are like horizons that allow any other field to move through it going up to fields with nominally impenetrable boundaries that, as a universe of fields, constantly generates new fields like a Lawrence Welk bubble machine. As a Ranger, I taught land navigation employing military surveys employing topology to designate relief. In Vietnam, it got so the relief would pop up like one of those big maps they use at National Parks to illustrate the terrain of the reservation. Topology is just so handy for talking about God.

First of all, the Finite emerges out of the Infinite, necessarily, in a Platonic milieu. This is a useful conceit, and it tends to reinforce the idea that God anticipates all things in regards to the human condition. I’m generally willing to stipulate to this as a general principle but, as a practical matter, I don’t believe it’s true, metaphysically. It isn’t necessary, metaphysically, and the Book of Job is God’s way of saying that God takes great delight in the things that humanity invents God never thought of.

Such as capitalism. Capitalism didn’t exist until human society became sufficiently organized to mint currency and establish a universal method of stylized barter. That, to me, is the whole point of “Render unto Caesar”. If Global Warming hits a certain critical mass and rears up and swut theyallows mankind whole and the alien race that had started Earth as sort of an ant farm noticed that the globe had ceased to glow on the dark side, it might crunch up what’s left and extract the minerals, including the gold and silver, but they wouldn’t be looking for any coin collections because they didn’t put them into the project to begin with and anthropology amount to sub-nano dynamics.

God is not an alien race and, playing by the rules of free will, our destinies are only set into stone, existentially, in a Jean Paul Satre, tombstone, dust to dust, ashes to ashes, kind of way. God has mapped out the destiny of Humankind in Genesis 15:5: we, the Children of Abraham, exist to go forth into the stars and Genesis 28:12, essentially the capacity for progressive inquiry such as methods of Topology.

I have to quit in 45 minutes and go to Starbucks. It’s 0348 and I started at 0300 because I rarely sleep through the night from hyper-vigilance I developed on the Ho Chi Minh trail, waiting for Begin Morning Nautical Twilight, when the little people liked to attack. I watched your video as soon as the Patreon email arrived and thought about it, pleased with your employment of Finite Math.

Now, pretend that the Infinite field is a triangle pointing up and the Finite field is a triangle pointing down, and slide the Finite field down until you have a Mogan David. The Infinite field is pointing to Heaven, like Raphael’s Plato and the Finite field is pointing to Earth, like Raphael’s Aristotle, rational idealism and empiricism describing a common field, which is the Kingdom of Heaven systematic inquiry is designed to infer from the Kingdom of God at the apex of the Infinite field while the tips of our fingers are at the tip of the Finite flied that touches Earth as a Kantian nominal state independent from the Star of David. We, each, are the Star of David, and the Lord’s Prayer is an epistemological format for moving the bubbles of the cosmic Lawrence Welk bubble machine: Think Globally, Act Locally.

The thing about Topology is that it bypasses the Rational Mind irrationally and thereby enriches the product of Reason. I mean, it pleases me that this video is 19:34 because 19 is an important master number, literally the Alpha and the Omega of the dominate 9 base numerology of the Bible (there are at least five base systems available in the narrative) and 34 reduces to 7 and 7 is the one number you have some command over, metaphorically AND 34 alludes to one of my favorite Bible passages Acts 10:34 – 43, Peter’s confession of faith. As I say, this passage tends to validate Gary Habermas’s premise that this doctrine emerged immediately after the Ascension and has transmitted, with perfect inerrant precision from Pentecost to this eternal moment of NOW as your eyes follow this line of man-made symbols that come to an end for me as I get ready to open up the Adams Morgan Starbucks.

Visualize Whirled Peas. Go find a dynamic weather map of the severe weather in Oklahoma and imagine an optimal global weather pattern without expectation or emotional investment. Keep it simple. Let go and let God.


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