Keep It Simple, Sweetheart (KISS)
Most people will agree that they enjoy reading things that are easy to understand. This doesn’t mean that the writer dumbs down what they’re trying to say, but rather that they get their point across in a simple way.
Just like actual kisses, I have a soft spot for the acronym KISS which stands for Keep It Simple, Sweetheart (a much gentler version of Keep It Simple, Stupid). It’s a great summary of good writing principles: don’t write more than you need, and don’t overcomplicate things. Your reader will thank you for it.
Albert Einstein, perhaps the greatest intellectual thinker of all time said: ‘Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler’. He also said: ‘If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.’ Leonardo Da Vinci said: ‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’.
Here are some things to consider:
Who is reading it? Think of them as people who are interested in your subject but don’t have detailed knowledge. Use your writing to guide them through the subject and help them identify what’s most important.
What are you going to say? Consider what your readers want to know. It’s helpful to put the most important information in the first two paragraphs. Summarise what you’re writing about, and tell them what they’ll find in the document/email.
Use short, simple sentences. Be concise, and remember that two short sentences are easier to read than one long one.
Break up large blocks of text with subheadings. Rather than making your reader plough through a long paragraph, make the content inviting to his or her eyes.
Stick to one idea or theme per paragraph.
Correct punctuation helps. It lets the reader know when to pause, and highlights important points. Remember that it can also confuse people, so make sure that your punctuation is right.
Use plain English. Avoid writing words that will have your reader whipping out their dictionary. Don’t utilise formal or long vocabulary when informal or diminutive verbiage will do (see what I did there?).
Avoid buzzwords. (referred to in my article in March 2016)
I’m not sure if those who use this cryptic dialect actually think they sound smarter or are just trying to solidify their membership in some sort of exclusive corporate tribe, but I beg you - don’t use jargon.
Cut out unnecessary words. It makes the important facts more memorable.
Don’t be ambiguous. Sentences that can be read in several different ways may be misleading.
Avoid repetition. There is no need to use words or phrases more than once in the same sentence (or even in the same paragraph). You should also avoid using words that repeat something already implied in the same sentence (otherwise known as tautology). An example of this is “I might possibly...”
Don’t make your sentences confusing. Don’t use sentences where a phrase qualifies the wrong part of a sentence (known as a dangling participle).
“Surrounded by files and papers, Alan believed that his PA would eventually do some work.”
The sentence implies that Alan was surrounded by files and papers, which is incorrect.
It should read: “Alan believed that his PA, who was surrounded by paperwork, would eventually do some work.”
Don’t forget that I’m a phone call or email away.
ps. I could have made this article a lot longer if I’d really wanted to, but I got my point across clearly, right?
Everybody knows that less is more. Except when it comes to actual kisses x
Founder, Director, Educator, Protector, Researcher & Scholar at Trees In Pots Limited - 你的访问让我很开心。
1 年Kim, I just saw and read this, for the first time. It won't be the last time. Thank you. I've been singled out to write a family history story, a Chinese family story. Again I thank you.