Keep It Simple and Focus on What’s Important
Stephen Oliver, MBA
Founder - CEO @ Stephen Oliver's Advisor Wealth Mastery | Martial Arts Wealth Mastery | Mile High Karate
At the most basic level, all businesses are simple. Management guru Peter Drucker said, “The purpose of all businesses is to create and keep a customer.” I’ve expanded that for our staff just slightly to three points of daily focus: enrollments, renewals (or upgrades) and retention.?
It’s useful to keep it simple and focus on what’s important. Obviously, each of these points can be expanded infinitely; however, what you must do every day is to focus on each of these areas: What can we do today to enroll more new students? What can we do today to retain students longer? What can we do today to renew more students into our upgrade programs?
From a time management standpoint, start the day with a blank legal pad and a brainstorming session (often with just yourself) on attracting new students. What internal and external promotional activities can you implement to add more students? What can you do immediately (today) to create leads, expand intros and improve enrollment ratios? With what groups or organizations should you be working to promote your school? Who must you know to grow your school? What labor-intensive activities can you do today to fill your school? What additional advertising or marketing efforts should you be undertaking to grow your school? Are you spending enough? Are you being smart about your advertising and promotions?
I’ve witnessed many school owners who’d rather sit and bemoan their lack of new students than to take action to find more students. Even on the most limited budget, you can still hit the streets, pick up the phone and meet individuals and groups who may be interested in your school. Make sure that every day you are doing something to find new students.
Next, during “prime-time” be careful on what you focus. Minute-by-minute, you must be taking the most productive actions possible. For each class, ask yourself (and your staff) these questions:?
Who’s in class who won’t be back if I don’t take action to fix them?
Who’s in class that can be renewed?
Who’s in class that could help us with enrollments?
Everyone has had the experience of reaching the end of the evening without adding a new student or renewing anyone. Guard against that every day. Focus on making sure that you are maximizing results in every class with every method possible.
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