Keep Persistence. Being Persistent will Create your Path
When you have a vision, something that you want to achieve or become, never ever give up on that vision. If that vision is there because of your ‘WHY’, then you have every reason to make sure you reach your vision. Why are you working on this goal? Why is this so important to you? Why keep working on it when it’s so hard? Why, why, why? This is what will keep pushing you on when things are getting you down and you face adversity and hardships. If your ‘WHY’ doesn’t make you cry, keep working on finding it.
Your WHY becomes your mission and it is the foundation of what you are building. If your foundation is weak, then what you are building will crumble in a matter of time. If your foundation is strong, no matter what wind or hardship is blowing on you, you hold the key to rebuilding because your foundation is still there.
That drive to push forward, that will to succeed and reach your vision is your persistence. Your persistence to never give up and to keep picking yourself up. No matter how hard something is, no matter how long it takes, as long as you are persistent at progressing, little by little, you will eventually reach your vision.
It Is In US!
We were all born with the characteristic of being persistent. It all has to do with how badly we want to achieve what it is we want. Again, how important our WHY is, is directly related to how persistent we are willing to be.
When you were young, do you remember learning to walk? Even if you don’t, you know what the process is. As a child, you started crawling. Then you would stand with some support, and as your legs grew stronger, you were able to stand without support. Finally, you would try to walk. Chances are high that the first few times you tried to walk, you stumbled and fell. Maybe you cried, maybe you didn’t. Either way, you would try again and again to walk. Your parents or guardians would encourage you to do it.
Sometimes, you might just want to give up, but with so many people cheering you on, you would try again and again. Finally, with enough practice and persistence, you unlocked the keys to walking. Now, walking is so second nature to you that you don’t even have to tell yourself, “put your left foot out, step down, transfer your weight over to the left foot and bring your right foot forward.” No, you can now walk without thinking.
The reason WHY we need to walk is WHY we were all persistent in learning how to walk. Our parents and guardians all knew how important the WHY is to learn how to walk that they too were persistent in teaching us. There is no way a parent would say: “Well we tried, this child of ours obviously cannot learn how to walk…it’s been three months now and she still cannot even stand!!...I give up!” That will NEVER happen and so they persist, we persist, because it is powered by a strong WHY.
If you look at everything that you have achieved, you realize very quickly that you persisted in reaching that outcome. Therefore, you know you have it in you, it is just a matter of accessing it again and pushing forward.
It is only a Matter of Time
Being persistent also means being consistent and resilient. You need to make sure that you are progressing every day. Are you getting closer and closer to your vision every day? Are you making decisions that ensure that you are progressing every day? Making sure that every action you take gets you closer to your vision creates your plan. When that is in place, then it’s only a matter of time before you achieve your vision.
Every year for the past ten years, we have been attending an event call Mega Success, where business entrepreneurs travel from all over the world to attend. High profile individuals like actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Disney CEO Michael Eisner, and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak speak at this event to over 2500 people. Every year we are in the crowd watching, learning, networking, and every year we are pumped and motivated. But every year we also get a feeling of wanting more. We see other speakers and friends speak on stage and rock it; we see others go from attending this event, to speaking at this event, to becoming the CEO of the company! We see so many other attendees soar with success and shine on stage emceeing or speaking. Seeing all their successes, cemented that vision that I wanted that too, to one day speak on that stage! I kept that vision in my head for ten years and never forgot it. With every real estate deal I do, I gain experience. With every book I write, I create content. With every speaking engagement I do, I take it as preparation. With every video I do, I build confidence. With every client I coach, I build the results. With every set back, I push a little harder, I persist. Every day I watch videos of others’ successes, I consistently mind feed and constantly cement that image of speaking in my mind. Little by little as time goes by, I have built the confidence, the plan began to formalize, to the very moment, after ten years, being surrounded by amazing people at the event and speaking at MEGA SUCCESS!
A year later, due to the 2020 Covid-19 situation, Mega Success was virtual. Again, I had the honor of presenting at the event. The years of persistency paid off as I was recognized as the #1 top virtual speaker at the event. Both presentations can be found on our YouTube channel: yourAREATV.
When you persist and take action, the right action, no matter how small or big that action is, as long as you are consistent your path will formalize. Then it is only a matter of time until you progress towards achieving your goals and visions.
Create a Habit and Commit to Consistency
One way to enforce persistence is to commit to something consistently and make it a habit. For instance, to continue on with my story about creating videos and taking on challenges, I knew that in time I would eventually need to have more content and more videos than one a week, ideally a minimum of one a day. Knowing that deciding to do one video a day right off the start would be too overwhelming, I decided to introduced a new video series every few weeks which would be released on a specific day of the week. This would eventually lead to having a video a day. Mondays are my mindset series, Tuesdays are my psychological series, followed by my PEAK POTENTIAL SUCCESS SHOW on Wednesdays, a real estate show on Thursdays, a learning from the Masters’ show on Fridays, and then finishing off with a book writing and speaking show. By adding a new item to my daily routine and announcing it to an audience to hold me accountable, each item becomes a consistent habit which forces my persistence to reach my overall vision.
A strategy that I suggest to my clients, those who want to create a stronger online social media presence, is to start doing videos. It does not matter how long the videos are to begin with, as long as they do the video. However, before they start, I ask them to first decide: 1) How many times will they do a video per week? and 2) Which days of the week would it be? They can tell me one a month, every first of the month, one every second Friday, one every Monday, or every single day. Once they answer those two questions then I ask them to post a video and announce it on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. If they realize that they have more to share that week, then great, those are bonus videos for the week, but their minimum required videos are what they have announced and committed to.
If you take that mindset with everything that you want to accomplish, let’s say reading a book a week, maybe start with one a month, then two, and then four a month. Block out your day to make sure you have 20-30 minutes to read, to do a video, to cold call, to exercise, to do whatever it is that you want that will get you closer to your vision. Commit to it for 30 to 60 days. You will find that very soon it becomes a habit and that you will do it no matter what, and that when you don’t, you will feel that something is missing.
Day 1
Another strategy that has proven effective is starting a public count. For the longest time, I have found it difficult to keep my daily run/workout and waking up at 5:00AM consistent. One morning I got up at 5:00AM and went for a run. Right after the workout and while I was catching my breath, I posted on Facebook stories “Day 1” with a photo of me running. Instantly I felt committed. If I did not post “Day 2” it shows that I am a quitter. Hence, every morning at 5:00AM no matter how much I wanted to sleep in, I think about that number and what message it would send if I missed a day. After reaching “Day 50” it gets harder NOT to post as I do not want to see that number go back to 0! This strategy works great for our clients who want to create a habit or a daily routine. So, what will be your “Day 1”?
When it comes to Make More Work Less, one must keep persisting towards that vision. Taking the necessary steps and making the decisions that progresses you closer to that vision. When you have a strong enough ‘WHY’ and a consistent strategy in place, your persistence will never falter.