Keep organized!
Welcome to the Amazing Monday newsletter ???. Each week on Monday, I will write and share with you one article with the most interesting things that I have done, read, or watched in the previous week. Start-ups, company insights, job interviews, book reviews, tech talks, investing and productivity are some of the subjects that I am interested in and that I will write about.
In case you are looking for more content I have also started a YouTube channel that I encourage you to check out. ???
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In a world where we are bombarded from every corner with information, and eventually questions about it, with new tasks and things that we have to do, it can be challenging to retain and recall all of it.
And I am not thinking now just about job-related information and activities. It can be anything that you do. From structuring your morning routine to planning long complex life/work projects, and everything in between. All of it can be done in a way that maximizes your productivity, keeps track of the information you learned, and most importantly keeps your mind free.
Just as a quick example from my life that I think happens to everyone. Last Monday I posted a newsletter about procrastination (check it out if you didn’t ??). As soon as I finished with that article, next into my head popped a new task: this week’s newsletter. And even though I had started it I kept, mistake nr.1, postponing it, and I didn’t add any timeslot into my schedule so I can do at least some small progress every day, mistake nr 2. Soooo… every damn day I had it in my head, somewhere back in my mind that I have to take the time to do it. This together with myriad other things that were floating in the air, waiting for me to get done. And so the days went by, with me getting more and more actions, to the present day where I am somehow forced in the 12th hour to finish this article. Amazing job Stefan! I have to hand it to you. This one you handled just great! ??
It would have been much, much easier to just take 1 fricking minute and plan it into my day and finish it long before today. Well, lesson learned!
Putting this one example aside, I am usually very strict with myself and my schedule, trying to put everything, but especially the most important things that I plan to do during the day in my calendar. So, no matter what, when the time comes for that task I do it.
That’s why I believe it’s super important to organize the main topics, projects, and hobbies that you are working on, add them to your calendar, and write down all the information that would help you remember faster the key points and ideas that you have about the subject.
Luckily we are living in the digital revolution times where you can find almost all the apps that you can dream of.
To help manage this, I use 3 apps: Notion, Microsoft OneNote, and Microsoft ToDo apps. I have them both on my laptop and mobile so I can have access to everything whenever I need it.
Notion is a versatile and customizable workspace that allows users to organize and manage tasks, notes, and projects all in one place. 微软 OneNote, on the other hand, is a user-friendly note-taking app that lets you capture and organize ideas and thoughts across multiple devices. Finally, Microsoft ToDo is a task management app that can help you stay on top of your to-do list, prioritize your work, and set deadlines. Of course, there are other ones out there, you just have to find your fit. And I encourage you to start trying them out. Your mind will thank you for it! ??
Worth Reading:
??Book - The Forgetting Machine by Rodrigo Quian Quiroga
If you want a short easy-to-read book about memory, in connection with the above article, this is it.
??Article/s - Future of Design
Worth Watching?
Until next week, don’t forget: #readmore & #investsmart!