Keep Moving!
Lori Peacock
Owner / movement specialist / EHS safety specialist at Physical Performance Solutions
This time of year it’s easy to just plain hibernate till the better weather comes our way. Cold gloomy days aren’t exactly calling us to get outside and explore.
By the time we’ve put on the long johns, two sweaters, a parka, muffler, socks, hat and gloves we’re feeling Michelin-man overstuffed and uninspired.
How to keep moving? How to stay cheerful when the weather says curl up in a ball and stay inside till April?
Aaaah! Willpower is probably out the window…. And brownies are calling.
Fighting mid-winter flab and depression isn’t easy, but the answer is pretty much exercise. Yeah, yeah, I know: no time, no motivation, no energy and it’s dark outside. But all the experts agree that there’s no better mood-lifter than exercise, so make a point to move!
Go for a walk at lunch. Put the gym on your calendar and treat it like another appointment (and keep that appointment!) Does your gym have a pool? Swim at least once a week, or more if you can fit it in. Get an exercise buddy – having to meet someone else makes it easier to put the jogging shoes on. Take the dog for an extra-long walk once a day and you’ll both benefit.
Of course it’s a pain to go out in the cold, but you’ll feel better for it (and the dog will thank you!)
So keep moving, and back away from the brownies.