Keep Moving Forward
This Article is just a little update from Advance Group…
Good morning all,
Firstly, let me start by hoping this article finds you, your loved ones and colleagues well and safe during these unprecedented times.
During March and April, the UK has been in a perpetual stat of lock-down, to ensure that we all (and rightly so) play our part during the Covid-19 pandemic by ‘Staying at Home / Protecting the NHS and Saving Lives’.
I would just like to say and to draw on the positives from this terrible pandemic, personally, it has been amazing to see the community spirit in my own neighbourhood, likewise seeing the fantastic picture and reading the inspiring stories across many social media platforms as a whole, along with the clap for the NHS and front-line workers, people helping people, assisting each other wherever & however possible and especially the most vulnerable within the community.
During the 1st period as our clients have had some disruptions to their teams culminating in many furloughing of their teams, Advance have worked along side many companies to provide support and results throughout.
Moving forward into May as we heard over the weekend the UK government by this Sunday will outline a plan / path back, for schools, employers and businesses to work towards in order to establish a successful next phase and the new ‘normality’.
It will be interesting to see over the coming days how the Isle of Wight proceed with this next, we all wish them the very best success.
There are however a lot of uncertainties and unknowns for what the plan / path entails such as;
- How employers will be able to ensure safe places to work?
- What measures will they need to take?
- What will it look like?
- How will it work?
Advance as a business and an employer take seriously our teams’ safety and well being, however we have been maintaining our services ‘business as usual’ whilst working from home and keeping our team safe, along with still offering a quality first approach with ROI for clients at the forefront during the lock-down.
Throughout this time as some of our client’s internal teams have been disrupted and had alternate focuses, our return on targeted campaigns has remained attentive towards new opportunities. This is especially key as internal teams that have been working at reduced capacity once all this is over, the time has effectively been lost, no employer can now turn to their team and demand 15-hour days and weekend work to make up for lost time. With the support of Advance however, you can increase your capacity to suit your goals and sales plan quickly and effectively, making up for lost time.
Our management team have been busy working in the background implementing various initiatives in which we can support our clients with additional services/resources and reacting to the current situation. We have also reviewed the way in which we streamline our set-up process and the campaign packages to ensure maximum flexibility to our clients.
Like I said at the beginning this was a little article to show our support and provide a brief update to ensure you understand that is business as usual from the Advance team. If you are looking to hit the ground running moving into this next phase, beat the competition & achieve your sales goals contact Advance Group for more details on how we can support you and your business with maximum Return on Investment.
Take care and Stay Safe.
Kind Regards,
Tel: 0151 357 2166
Email: [email protected]