Keep, Let Go, Pass On
I’m in the middle of a unplanned move.
I've been renting my home for the last 5 years, and the owner's daughter now needs a place to live, so they aren't renewing my lease. I'm grateful they at least gave me 60 days notice.
Its been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me, although I had to get to a mental space of being a role model for my son through this change. And embrace adaptability.
I'm at the stage now where I'm putting things in boxes.
But.... If you've ever packed up everything you own, you know the process can be more than just putting things in boxes.
It’s a deep dive into your past.
Memories, old habits, and long-forgotten items that have been collecting dust.
My journals and notes were especially tough for me to go through. Pictures, books, random things I've bought and never used.
You know the drill.
As I was going through my things, I found myself making three distinct piles.
Strangely enough.... these piles are lining up to almost equally be 1/3, 1/3, and 1/3.
Yep... this is the part of the story where you say- hey dan... why are you rambling about your moving problems and what the heck does this have to do with growth and learning in the workplace?
I'm happy you asked!
See.... over time we accumulate skills, experiences, habits and relationships.
Some are invaluable and deserve to be carried forward.
Others have outlived their usefulness and need to be let go.
And... maybe there are even some things that we no longer need, but could be incredibly valuable to someone else.
Just like my old trampoline. The netting was ripped, but it was still functionable. My son barely uses it anymore. My new place will likely not have a yard. I was just going to throw it out, but i decided to put it up on facebook marketplace for free. This young family reached out. They had a 4 and 6 year old, and finances are tight for them. They showed soooo much gratitude and thankfulness when they picked it up. I felt like the grinch when his heart grow 5x larger.
It really made me think about the one phrase.... one persons trash is another persons treasure. And it brought me to a happy place of giving and gratitude.
So lets get back to how moving is VERY similar to our careers.
Growth isn't just about acquiring more.
It is about refining what we carry with us.
Lets hit the first pile:
What to Keep: The Essentials
When sorting through my belongings, I found things that have stood the test of time.
They bring me joy. They still hold real value. They serve a purpose.
A few key books. Some of my wall art. Family pictures. and more.
The same is true for our careers.
Think about the skills, experiences, and relationships that continue to support our growth.
Maybe it’s a strength we’ve cultivated over the years. Maybe it is a network of A players that support us. Maybe it is our work ethic or uniqueness that sets us apart.
These are the things that still align with our future. Lets keep them in our arsenal.
What to Let Go: Things That No Longer Serve You
As I packed, I came across things I once valued but no longer need.
Old paperwork. Outdated tech. 179 different pens. old magazines. board games that are missing pieces. and on and on.
In our career, there are also things we need to let go of.
Outdated beliefs, Unhelpful habits. Negative mindsets. Negative "friends".
Keeping these things can hold us back, just like clutter in our homes.
What to Pass On: Sharing Knowledge and Opportunities
Some things I no longer need, but I know someone else will.
Books I’ve read that can inspire someone new. Clothes that still have life left in them. Tools I I no longer use but could be valuable to someone else.
In our careers, the same principle applies.
There are experiences, insights, and opportunities that we can pass on to others.
We can mentor. We can teach. We can write and share knowledge.
Helping others grow doesn’t diminish our success; it expands it.
The Magic of moving: Making Space for Growth
Moving isn’t just about packing.
It’s about making space for what comes next.
It’s about clearing out what no longer fits and reinforcing what matters most.
Our careers work the same way.
Growth isn't about holding on to everything.
When we intentionally decide what to keep, release, and pass on- we make space for new opportunities and a career that can truly fulfill us.
As always, thank you for the few moments you've shared with me today. And as we approach spring, maybe we all need some spring cleaning in our work lives just as much as our home lives. I promise to continue to provide fresh, actionable content, week after week on the topic of growth and learning in the workplace. I appreciate you, and hopefully I make your "keep" list moving forward! If not, that's ok, just pass my newsletter along to someone else that could benefit haha. Thanks again!
Your Friend,