Keep On Keeping On
Catherine Adhiambo
Administration Executive, Freelance Writer/Content Creator and Virtual Assistant (Self-employed)
If you are a keen reader you have already figured out that I like writing about second chances and things related to it. Maybe it is because for me every morning that I wake up I see another new chance, another opportunity bestowed on me. Regardless of what happened the previous day, bad or good for me it's always a fresh start.
If I succeeded the previous day, then it's an opportunity for me to succeed even further. If I failed then, it's an opportunity to try again keeping the lessons of my failure in mind. That's how it is in life. It doesn’t matter you can always try again or give it more.
We have 91 days left until the end of the year. Probably you had new resolutions at the beginning of the year and when you look at them right now, you haven't achieved anything. Fret not, today is a new beginning you can still achieve your resolutions and goals. You can try again. It is only a sad situation if no effort has been put into it. You don't need to start big just one step no matter how small that is progress.
Few more steps and you will be further ahead. Just keep on going, keep on doing, and keep on keeping. Dust yourselves and forge ahead. It is not easy, but in the end you will be glad you tried. Our mistakes and failures shouldn't define us. You shouldn't even dwell on it longer than you should or beat yourself up about it.
Learn and move on, beneath success there was disappointment, failure, rejection and a lot of other unmentionable things. Do you know why?
No one is PERFECT.
?Choose to see the positive side of things and never lose hope. Try and try again.
Always Forward.