Keep Falling in Love with Jesus

Keep Falling in Love with Jesus

“Keep Falling in Love with Jesus.”

“On Purpose!”

“For the Truth, which He truly is, Is His Never-Ending Love after us each.”

“His Love is our true weapon against all darkness and evilness!”

“Because He truly First Loved us each, so also, are we to seek our own personal relationship with Him.”

“A Love Letter from God, placed upon the souls of all mankind, and written upon the hearts of all mankind.”

“It truly is our own efforts in actions, daily, and at all times towards Him, that draws us each individually closer to Him, allowing His Love, even unknown to us each, of just how Powerful His Love towards us each becomes. Even allowing our bodies to be healed in and through and by His Love for us each.”


“Do you Love Me?”

“How to Love Your God, Your Father!”

“I foresaw the Lord always before my face,

For He is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken.

Therefore, (Already Done), my heart rejoiced, and my tongue was glad;

Moreover, (Greater Even), my flesh also will rest in hope.

For You will not leave my soul in Hades,

Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption.

You have made known to me the ways of life; (To Do and Perform in my Own Loving You).

You will make me full of joy in Your Presence.” (Where we must abide), (Period….)!

“For he who dwells in the house of the Lord, shall remain under the protection of the Almighty!” (On Purpose, Performance in Loving On Purpose).

“For I came to give you life and life more abundantly!” (If we Upon Our Own Purpose shall remain within Him). (On Purpose)…. (Period….).

“Because I raised from the grave and defeated it and death; so to have I offered to ALL, to be merged into Me;” (Offered yet not forced, It Truly is up to us each a to whom we shall Love and Fall in Love with, even to the point of no longer what can He do for us, but as in Love, what can we do for Him). (Period….).

“Not in part, but fully, in order that you should know before hand of the things which are to come!” Ensuring our Salvation, in working out our own Love towards God, without shame, without fear, but only in Loving Him, falling in Love with Him, Over and Over and Over again, “On Purpose!”

“No where else should your hope be coming from! For I AM God, and there is none other who loves you the way I do; nor who has the power to protect you and save you out of a persevere generation such as now is!”

(His Offer Continues).

“Salvation is spiritual, and My offer in My Victory is not to take you out of the world, but that you may be where I AM, in Myself, in the order of seeing My Glory!” (Knowing that the Purpose of The Holy Spirit, coming within us each, is in Order that He may empower us within, in order to spread Him, His Love, for all others everywhere, at all times. Loving Him, and showing Him of our Love). “Period….”

“The Luke warm has never nor does nor shall ever be able to see and hear my Glory, because they remain not IN Me where I AM; but in the world which they have become and accepted as their more than enough!”

“Mine is Mine and in Mine there is no darkness nor evil; where I AM is only Light and happiness and joy and peace!” (Personal Love for God, is truly the only Way to His peace, even in times of sorrow).

“My offer is true and real, but each of you must decide where you shall dwell and who you each shall follow after and believe! I have warned you beforehand of all which is going on around you, and even told you, that until the coming of the Son of Man, these things shall only continue to become eviler and the dark become darker;”

“However I have provided the Way, in and through Myself where each who follow only Me may live and have action and perform, both upon the earth and within the heavens!” (In Loving God).

“I have declared the road is not wide nor is it easy, but all who find it shall find ALL which I have already won every victory within! They shall abide no longer as themselves, but filled with Fire and My Spirit on earth as in the heavens!”

“In Performance of their own Love towards Me, shall they “On Purpose,” Go out into “ALL” the world, and share their Love after and for Me.”

“The Love and Power they shall acknowledge and live within shall guide them and be their protection, all the days of their lives and they shall fear no evil!”

“For I have called all man unto Myself, I will not nor shall I force any to receive Me; for My Power and Glory have I proven throughout ALL Time; My Word shall be fulfilled and My Word has never changed, nor have I lost or changed any of what I so allowed of Myself and My own providing and through actions even as man; freely given and made available to ALL mankind!”

“My blood, My body, and My love have I offered to ALL! Freely have I given, so also must I be Received freely by each!”

“I have returned to each their own abilities and authority within themselves, whom they shall follow; knowing and proving there truly is only One; I AM The One God! Who on earth as well as all places offer Myself up as a living sacrifice to ALL and for ALL!”

“My blood has not weakened, My Name remains above ALL others and each must choose on their own, not in part but totally right here and right now, as too forevermore; who they shall follow after this day and every day forward.”


“For My offer and Love still remains for ALL; and there is none other who can protect and Save not one;”

“For I AM God, I AM ONE, and there is no other hope, or faith nor Love which has the ability and power and desire as I AM in love for each; to perform and reveal My Fire and Spirit so powerful that I drive all your enemies away from you!”

“Yet only in faith with actions shall each know that I truly AM God for them!”


Amen for me, O Lover of my spirit and soul; my God in whom I place ALL my trust within; where I “on purpose” chose to surrender all of myself into!

“Truly, What About You?” “Period….”


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