Keep Faith and Open Mind to Success     by/Bernardino Nilton do Nascimento

Keep Faith and Open Mind to Success by/Bernardino Nilton do Nascimento

Tolerance, which is among the highest attributes of culture and art, is only found in people who keep their minds open to all subjects at all times. And only the human being who has an open mind is prepared to take personal advantage of the greatest riches of life, knowledge, and success.

When your mind is open to all matters, and suck all kinds of knowledge and learning, you will be on the way to becoming master of yourself. And he who becomes master of himself can become the master of his destiny, a captain of his soul. It is the highest form of self-discipline in which the expression of the humility of the heart dwells; When we arrive or are caught by surprise by the shortcuts of our dreams, we are on the road to success.

Each of us has a richness, which consists of understanding people, recognizing that all people are basically similar, as they have developed from the same Creator, also recognizes that all people have a source of Inspiration that we can not Condemn them, The same emotions are part of our lives: the emotion of love; The pleasure of sex; The desire for material profits; The pleasure of freedom; The desire for self-expression; The pleasure of the knowledge of eternal life; The emotion of anger; The pleasure of forgiveness and forgiveness; The emotion of fear; The pleasure of winning.

The human being who wants to understand others must, of necessity, understand himself. The ability to understand eliminates many more common causes of friction between breeds. This is the main foundation of all friendship; It is the basis of harmony and cooperation among human beings. It is the basis, of extreme importance, in all leadership that requires friendly cooperation. I would say that the freedom of thoughts, the full understanding of their expressions, is an important opening for the understanding between the Creator and the creature.

Economic security is not necessarily money. It is achieved by the services provided, for a profitable service can be converted into all forms of human needs, with or without the use of money. A millionaire businessman has economic security, not because he controls a great fortune, but for another better reason: it provides lucrative jobs for men and women, it provides the evolution of the human being that makes the evolution of the planet, and also through these Jobs Produces Goods and services of great value, reaching a large number of people.

Therefore, I see no reason to be against businessmen, but in favor. There is an old adage that "working for the poor is asking for alms for two," then we must thank and work for the entrepreneur to get richer, richer, more need to keep his job and greater opportunity to earn more. However, we must also make this gain from a distribution that will meet our needs and reach more people in need, the higher the number, the higher your salary will be. When you turn money into energy, the greater the distribution, the greater the distribution power, as well as the greater growth of your source. You can also start your own business because everything that was created and worked is just the beginning of a process where progress is infinite.

When we are prepared to receive something, it inevitably appears.

This does not mean that the things we need will appear without a cause, for there is a great difference between our needs and our state of balance and willpower. Not to make that distinction is to miss out on the most important benefits that may appear daily in our lives.

So be patient and let yourself be led to this state of balance and with all your faith, to humbly receive your dreams, your desires and your success.

The eternal law of compensation ensures that no useful service will allow you to receive your reward justly; It may come from where it is least expected, but it will certainly appear, it is part of the Divine Constitution.

Be aware because someone visible or invisible is willing to help you, and you need to be focused, balanced and with all your faith. Create something to focus on your confidence, a mantra, an image, a song, an object, or a goal and even something that no one has ever seen that is a product of your imagination but that brings you the confidence to achieve your dreams Which may be worth some sacrifice, but in the end it will be remembered as a defeated battle. All this will protect you against fear, jealousy, pettiness, doubt, indecision and postponement of the solution. They will inspire you to move your personal initiative, your active imagination, keeping you defined as well as confident to ensure your success.

But in most people, out of nowhere, an unwanted thought goes by the name of "fear."

Fear of poverty, fear of criticism, fear of illness, fear of lack of love, fear of loss, fear of old age and fear of death. The greatest of all ways to success consists in the hope of realizing a wish not yet fulfilled. Poor is even one who thinks he is incapable of looking to the future in the hope of becoming a person he would want, or of achieving the goal he has failed to achieve in the past.

Faith is the link of the conscious mind, the great universal reservoir of infinite capacity. Faith is the fertile soil of the garden of the will, where all the riches of life can flourish. It is the eternal elixir, which confers creative power to the impulses of thoughts.

Faith is the basis of so-called "miracles" and of many mysteries that we can not apply through logic or science.

Faith is a spiritual chemical substance, when mixed with the prayer of the heart, causes a direct and immediate connection of the human being to the divine universe.



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