Keep Doing - Have Faith
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Keep Doing - Have Faith

#havefaith #believeinyourself

My forefathers were farmers. A small practice farmers still practice since humanity has known farming, is that, they sow the seeds, cover it with soil and give water. Then, they just keep giving water, add some manure, remove the weeds.

The seeds are deep inside the soil and they keep doing their job.

They Trust :

* in their knowledge of complex dynamics of farming. Its a damn big deal - Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, risks - all in one.

* in maintaining delicate balance between seeds, seasons, quantum of water, the doze of manure - Data driven actions

* and they protect from weeds - Competition

* and they ward off birds and animal - Threat

And one day, the seed germinates - Results

Have the faith - in your self, your knowledge, your actions and the almighty. Action it.

Starting up is precursor of growth and success.


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