Keep channels in mute while watching markets.

Last week, one economist from #Moody's Analytics in an interview(Not sure whether #CNBC or #Bloomberg) told that valuations are super rich and #markets will crash 10-20% immediately and recovery might take more time than the earlier ones. He also mentioned, the correction has already begun.

One thing I have been doing for the past 10 years is keeping the TV mute,so you only want to see the markets positioning,movers and economic data points, and not interested to hear the rubbish commentary or analysis put out by some high paid celebrity #economist. I still find people saying valuations are rich,overvalued bla bla bla..If something is good and is a necessity, or the business prospect of a company's product is such that it will continue to see high demand as population increases or economy expands, then that company's revenue and profits will continue to grow and there will be investors who love that story and ready to invest thus taking the stock price even higher.

I dont know how many have read my last post where I criticized media like #CNBC for creating fear among investors. They said markets crashed as Fed told to start hiking rates from 2023. For that I told,next day if markets recover they will tell that Markets rose sharply as Fed is not hiking rates till 2023.

You know hat happened yesterday,markets rallied and commentary by media was some what similar to what I had mentioned. Stop watching these channels with sound,always make sure TV is in mute. Do your own research before #investing.

The truth is most of the retail investors will take a call on their investments after watching these channels and what the celebrity analysts/fund managers/economist talk sitting there. These so called analyst/economists/fund managers may have done their MBA from some fancy colleges/universities and may be good at mug up,writing essays,doing mathematical calculations,in general good in proving something theoritically. But not so good at judging markets,analysing it when something real happens infront,because they didnt studied it,it was not present in their text book,out of syllabus.

Truth is these celebrities will sit in some big bracket investment house, earns a fortune,for making their clients poorer because of their mismanagement of funds,where as some other fund managers,who dont have that fancy MBA tag,sit somewhere remotely earns less,but makes clients richer. Funny part is that when these underprivileged,second grade fund managers think their analysis was good, they were able to beat the markets,make decent alpha,beat most of the so called first grade,fancy fund managers,they start applying for jobs with these big bracket investment houses. Know what answer they get?"Unfortunately we are not proceeding with your application"


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