...Keeling_CO2_Yearly_Cycle ... ...Zooming in ...
Joannes Sevenhans
Alcatel Academy Distinguished Member_2001 ...IEEE_Fellow_2000 for contributions to the design of solid state telecommunication transceivers ...PhD 1984 KULeuven ...Semi-retired ...Always looking for a next project ...
Zooming in on "scientist?Charles David Keeling?curve" ...
Wat can the summer/winter cycle in this curve point out for CO2_Alarmism and for "Global_Cooling_Denial" ?
In CCR="Climate Change Revival" we do not deny anything about climate change because :
Keeling curve is a scientific measurement curve.
Science is better than the sum of "Believe+Deny" ...
Maybe it is dangerous to say : Science="Believe-Deny" but ...
In the Hawaiian Mauna Loa CO2 Keeling curve we see every year a steep CO2 level uprise from October to end of April and a steep CO2 level downfall from May to September resulting in a 6ppmV=6000ppbV swing on top of the 2ppmV=2000ppbV per year slope of the "scientist?Charles David Keeling?curve" with 1000ppbV=1ppmV ...
You can argue that in Northern Hemisphere winter time we burn more fossil to warm our homes but then :
And :
Before we go in further detail we must realize that already 7000 year in Greenland CO2 level is rising 20000ppbV in 7000 years or almost 3ppbV per year except during the "Little Ice Age" about 500 year ago when CO2 level went a little down in those cold centuries ...
Also 7000 year ago the post glacial sea level rise stopped rising and Greenland seems to be long term cooling since several millennia with every millennium a partial warming intermezzo to continue then for further cooling on the long term ...
Anyway during the post glacial sea level rise a lot of ice lumps were cooling the Arctic ocean but 7000 year ago the Arctic ice maker/breaker stopped melting the pole ice cap and as the ocean became then less cooled by North Pole ice lumps => Less atmospheric CO2 was absorbed in the North Atlantic Ocean with +3ppbV CO2 level rise in the Greenland atmosphere as a result of less cooling ice lumps ...
In the green curve above we see 5 interglacials for their global atmospheric CO2 behavior on earth : Glacial temperature and atmospheric CO2 go together up and together down but who is the leader and who is the follower ?
For the global cooling deniers :
Over the past 5 millennia while atmospheric CO2 level is rising, the cold half millennia get colder in the climate cycles ... and colder 4 millennia in a row, alternating with the warm half millennia getting shorter in time and since 1607 until 1991 we had 384 global warming years but since 1991 our global warming cycle is getting less stable after the 1991 cooling glitch ...
But to get back on the topic to zoom in on the Keeling curve :
Coincidently with the yearly summer falling slope of the Keeling curve, the Arctic pole ice cap does the summer melt :
We see the same around the -0,2°C per year cooling Antarctic pole center with +0,8% per decade Antarctic long term ice extent gain and ocean as a result : warming around the Antarctic pole ice cap ...
But to get back on the topic to zoom in on the Keeling curve :
We still need to find out where the modern black 2000ppbV=2ppmV CO2 per year rising slope comes from because it was only 3ppbV just after the postglacial sea level rise from the pole ice caps melting ...
Although fossil energy CO2-contribution can not be denied, now that we know that ocean can pull every year 6000ppbV=6ppmV in the ocean and blow it back 6 months later from the ocean into the atmosphere, there is the 2000ppbV=2ppmV CO2 black slope per year still on the table now.
The Arctic sea ice extend yearly cycle is going up to 15 million square kilometers at the end of the winter gain and melts down to 5 million square kilometers every summer so :
But we have 5000ppmV WaterVapor=H2O going down 2% compared to 45 year ago ...
=>2% of 420ppmV=>8,4ppmV CO2 molecules not combining to H2CO3 in the atmosphere now every year compared with the probability 45 year ago and we only need to explain 2ppmV per year.
Chemistry is not my major expertise so is there a chemist reading this H2O-hypothesis about the black +2ppmV CO2 slope per year and the 24% bonding probability for CO2+H2O=H2CO3 in the earth atmosphere ?
Or is it just only fossil energy creating the black +2ppmV CO2 per year slope in the Keeling curve ?
Anyway :
In climate science there are too many unanswered questions and too many unquestioned answers ...
But :
Health & Climate & Energy are realy very complicated and delicate politico-scientific stuff and also socio-economic stuff but we do the best we can and try to explain it as simple as possible but not simpler than that in the group :