A Visionary Democratic Universal Force

Kdai: A Visionary Democratic Universal Force

A movement with a global vision

For self- and global realization

All rights reserved

A powerful force that will benefit humanity as the movement for peace grows and consolidates worldwide.

A fully democratic force that will replace the currently existing systems of government worldwide.

A universal approach to order, organization, justice, equality and progress.

Visionary – the movement is built to fulfill a calling for all humanity.

It is reasonable to assume that the response of most of humanity will be yes to redemption, yes to achieve world peace, yes to put an end to conflict and war and yes to enter an era of peace as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The question is: how?

The Movement’s Vision and its Characteristics

An innovative political movement

Kdai is an innovative political movement that will operate in many domains that exist in every country in the world. The Kdai movement has a global vision and lofty goals and has taken on itself to implement and realize new political and socioeconomic methods, which are capable of transforming each and every country into an enlightened, ethical, advanced and powerful nation.

Israel, which is known as an innovator, will become a shining example to other nations and will realize its mission to lead humanity to the long-awaited and longed-for era of peace.

We—the activists, leaders and supporters of the Kdai movement both in Israel and worldwide—are proud to be among the pioneers that are working toward change and innovation, whose realization will lead to liberty and peace in the world.

The vision of the Kdai movement

Overall vision: That the Kdai movement will become a leader in the achievement of a full global peace.

  • Removal of historical barriers. To put behind us the bitter past and everything that it represents, with the goal of creating and ushering in a new and better world order, one that people will want to live in forever.
  • Realization of the human longing for peace and stability. To realize the hope of mankind for freedom from suffering and distress and the longing for full lives in an era of peace, stability and freedom.
  • Mass involvement. Everything will be achieved according to this platform, with the active support of activists, leaders and public figures and with the active involvement of the masses who want change, peace and positive unity.
  • An ideological bridge. That the citizens of Israel will learn to become an ideological bridge that will light the way for the nations. The new vision will involve pleasant surprises, challenges, inspiration and miracles for all.

The Kdai Movement’s vision of peace

  • The achievement of peace by democratic and secular means. The redemption of mankind means its liberation from problems and suffering. This will be made possible by a change in consciousness and the achievement of the vision of change. It should be clear that life in its present format will not lead to even on iota of redemption – on the contrary. The innovative methods proposed by the movements will facilitate mankind’s progress to full peace.
  • The spread of the movement and its consolidation worldwide. Stable peace will be made possible by the spread of the movement and its consolidation in the rest of the world. The farther that the movement spreads worldwide, the greater will be universal stability, which will enable government leaders to achieve their tasks and as a result we will enjoy peace and security, both internal and external.
  • The involvement of citizens in each country. The changes that will be achieved by the movement are of the greatest importance, since they will create proper governance and will lead to the active, diverse and constructive participation of citizens in community life and day-to-day public activity. These will provide citizens with an opportunity for mass solidarity in order to achieve worthy goals and a stable era of peace.

Characteristics of the Kdai movement

  • A movement for all. Kdai will be a grassroots movement, appropriate for the majority of citizens, whatever their nationality or ethnic group, religious and secular, men and women, young and old, rich and poor. All of them are suited to join the movement and are desired by the movement, on the condition that they have the recognition and the awareness to be open to change and innovation and to want real change for society and the country.
  • A movement with the values of justice, order and balance. The movement will operate on the basis of maximal justice and balance between all the systems in the State. The movement will not be religious nor anti-religious. It will operate according to law and order, logic and fairness, morality and personal and public honesty. The movement will be exceptional in every sense. Its ambition will to spread its message and its values and to convey them to the masses in every location, with the goal of achieving positive unity and genuine peace for generations to come.
  • Excellence in leadership. The Kdai movement will seek to create an environment of high-quality leaders, whose goal will be to serve the citizens of the State faithfully and reinforce their security, rather than ruling them. Service will be provided to the public with enthusiasm and patience and this will serve as the model for behavior in every location between service providers, i.e. the government, and service beneficiaries, i.e. the public. Citizens who enjoy security and believe in their leadership and in themselves will be positive and unstressed citizens who will protect the peace that will be achieved.
  • A determined and decisive movement. The movement believes in the power of understanding, wisdom and spirituality more than the use of force, conflict and war. Nonetheless, the movement will react with determination and decisiveness to anyone that tries to interfere or delay the progress of the State on its way to fulfilling its role and achieving genuine peace.
  • Compassion and acceptance. The movement will work to win the hearts of the masses and to balance the State with spirituality, compassion, love, giving, liberty and tranquility. The movement will provide a refreshing and uplifting spirit to the State, which is in dire need of it and which will replace its loss of direction, its ugly and violent atmosphere and the negative experiences that so many citizens have to deal with in their day-to-day lives.
  • Gender balance. The Kdai movement will submit a list with full balance between the genders in all public institutions. The movement will seek to establish gender equality as a norm in the State and its institutions.
  • Achieving a platform that is committed to the public. The movement will be characterized by openness and anticipation of the future, with a rich arsenal of ideas and plans for action that will serve as a solidly based engine for growth and a way forward. Before every election, the movement will present the public with the highlights of its plans and ideas in all domains, with a commitment to carry them out. Similarly, by means of early planning we will save the public distress, time and money. This will be our way and our style – to involve the public in the planning of the central and local governments prior to the elections.

With these characteristics, the people and the State will certainly achieve success in most cases.

The Ideas and the Methods

Following are Kdai’s innovative ideas, by means of which we will arrive at major achievements in all domains, and first and foremost in the achievement of peace for all.

The government

An alternative to the way in which the government and local authorities are currently elected and changes in the functioning of the Knesset. The most dramatic change: The establishment of a comprehensive, dynamic and positive democratic government. The method: The people will directly elect the members of the government and will also have the power to bring down the government.

Preparation of a predetermined list: The parties will submit pre-determined lists for membership in the government, as in the case of the lists for the Knesset. According to the results of the election, the representatives of parties that won a sufficient percentage of the votes in order to appoint a minister will serve in the government. 

Following the elections, the party that received the most votes will assemble the government. In addition to the number of ministers that the majority party will appoint, it will also appoint the Prime Minister and the Deputy Acting Prime Minister.

The second largest party will appoint a Deputy Prime Minister who will be second in line in addition to the number of ministerial positions it receives. The third largest party will appoint a Deputy Prime Minister in addition to the ministerial positions it receives.

The future government will be assembled in the following manner: the Prime Minister, three Deputy Prime Ministers, and a variable number of ministers according to need and necessity.

The government will convene immediately after the election results are published. The proposed method will require that the parties invest effort before the elections in order to prepare a list of minsters that is attractive to the voters. The concept of coalition/opposition will disappear in favor of a fully unified government, a wall-to-wall government as a result of implementing the proposed method of government.

The winning platform will become the constitution. In the future, the parties will commit to preparing work plans for the government’s activity for a full term. We advocate that the platform of the leading party will automatically become part of the State’s constitution, in order to obligate its elected members to carry it out in practice and thus to fulfill pre-election commitments.

Gender equality. The Kdai movement believes in equality between the genders. It will put together a list divided equally between men and women in order to automatically achieve equality between the sexes and maximal balance in decision-making.

Efficient, authoritative and high-quality governance. It can be expected that our proposal for changing the electoral system will bring about efficient and authoritative governance, with a high level of responsibility and effectiveness – manyfold that of the present government. The future government will be able to function more smoothly and achieve lofty goals for the benefit of all its citizens.

Separation between the executive and legislative branches. In order to achieve all of the aforementioned goals, we will separate between the executive branch, i.e. the government, and the legislative branch, i.e. the Knesset, whose current function is to approve the composition of the government – however, this function will be decided on by the will of the people, as described above.

Passing of laws. With respect to the passing of laws, we propose that the government itself, rather than the Knesset, will be responsible for passing laws that are necessary for the management and operation of the State.

Changes in the functioning of the legislature – the Knesset:

We propose that the activity of the legislature (the Knesset) be frozen for a number of years. This will be a trial period with respect to the passing of laws and the approval of the government’s composition. An alternative is to operate the Knesset on a volunteer basis, made up of public representatives – from the municipalities and local authorities on the basis of double functions. A society that wants to advance and become more effective must give the government maximal maneuverability. Therefore, it is important to transfer the power to amend existing laws and pass new ones to the responsibility of the government.

Annual referendum. The power to bring down the government will be in the hands of the people by means of an annual referendum, because the people are the sovereign in the State and have the right to control the State. If the government has the confidence of the public, it will continue to serve the people. If the public votes no confidence, the government will resign automatically and new elections will be declared.

New elections are not something to be avoided, even if they take place every year. This is because the cost of elections will be much cheaper than the price society has paid and will continue to pay for the failures of the Prime Minister and ministers. Neither will there be concern about replacing a prime minister, thanks to the system of government, which allows all of the parties to be included in the government. In other words, all future ministers will accumulate ministerial, managerial and practical experience. If the government is replaced, the prime minster will be chosen from the government, but from a different party or a different person from the same party.

The proposed system of periodic referendums will prevent the rise of authoritarian dictators or unsuccessful leaders. To the extent that this system becomes widely adopted, so it will gain supporters worldwide, and peace will spread throughout the world. This will be exclusively due to this efficient method of government, which will quickly spread and replace the tottering old regimes.

Maximal transfer of powers from the central government to the local authorities. The Kdai movement believes in maximizing institutional order and efficiency. It will work to decentralize the government and will transfer power to the local authorities. The local authority will have political autonomy with close ties of cooperation between the central and local governments.

Strengthening of the connection between citizens and their place of residence. Strengthening of the local authorities at the expense of the central government will reinforce the bonds of citizens to their place of residence.

Strengthening the ties between the citizens and the local authority. We propose practical and beneficial changes in local government with the goal of creating a closer relationship between the mayor and the local residents. To this end, the possibility will be considered of dividing the city into administrative quarters and the quarters into sub-quarters with powers of self-government in each. All of the sub-quarters will be under a coordinating council of several quarters. The mayor will be responsible for coordination and the management of the city by means of the aforementioned coordinating councils.

Maximal involvement of the mayor. The goal is that the mayor will be maximally involved in what is going on the city, so that he will be involved in real time in the solution of problems faced by the city’s residents on all levels. In this way, the problems of the residents will gradually and completely disappear.

The system of municipal and district elections will be in the same format as the government elections.

The proposed system of government will encourage the participation of public leaders with an interest in serving the public, rather than the public serving them. The goal of the aforementioned changes is to achieve maximal welfare for the citizens of the State and to provide them with quality of life that is manyfold higher than it is today.

Organizational chart of the government according to the system proposed by the Kdai movement

The organizational chart shows the ties between the citizens and the quarter authorities and from there to the coordinating council and to the mayor, which in turn leads to the relevant ministers and from them to the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister + 3 deputies + government ministers

Division of the State into three administrative districts

Deputy + one-third of minsters will be responsible for District 1

Deputy + one-third of minsters will be responsible for District 2

Deputy + one-third of minsters will be responsible for District 3


Local or regional authorities

See District 1

See District 1

Authorities in charge of sub-quarters

Sub-quarters. The number of self-governing quarters will vary according to the size of the city

The quarter’s residents

The Economy

The Kdai movement offers an alternative economic program that is rational and fair and has the ability to rescue and rehabilitate the economy within a relatively short period of time. This is feasible if the majority agrees to change the personal, social and national orders of priority.

By way of the economy, we will create the conditions necessary to strengthen and empower the citizens. The most important change will be an individual’s preference for security and health over property and capital. In other words, from the perspective of personal and national preferences, the individual will be first in importance and only after that will come money and property.

Elimination of unemployment. The movement proposes the elimination of unemployment, by means of dividing the total workhours required by the economy among all those who are able to work. The result will be work for everyone through a reduction of daily working hours for all.

Reducing workhours and division into shifts. Over the years, workhours will gradually be reduced such that at the end of the process we will apparently arrive at half the workhours that are required today. This will help in organizing the economy efficiently and effectively, including the use of workplaces for a number of daily shifts, according to a plan and according to need.

Working in shifts will allow one parent to be with the children – to take care of them and educate them. Five or six hours of work per day and in shifts will solve the problem of congestion on the roads and will reduce the number of accidents. It will also solve the traffic jam problem which is intolerable for drivers, apart from the waste of time and money.

Nationalization of estates and inheritance. The movement will use the economy as a tool for balance and achieving maximal justice, which are necessary for increasing efficiency and improving the situation of the individual. It will also serve as an efficient way of reducing crime and violence. To this end, we propose a law to nationalize estates and inheritances (apart from an apartment, a farm or a small family business) for the benefit of the general public, by means of the Ministry of Finance or the municipality. The proposal will bring about a change in thinking among the public about property, in the direction of a clear-minded perspective and personal integrity. Someone who knows that his wealth will go to the public purse on his death will try to act with greater honesty, and in this way will reduce the lust people have for wealth and property, which is the result of the desire to achieve greater economic success and the power that goes with it.

In the future, an individual will be free from chasing riches and as a result will be less tense and less selfish. He will be more considerate of the public’s interests and will view them as his own. At the end of the process, he will be acting for the benefit of all. In exchange, the State will reduce taxes and levies to the minimum. This also be the way to free people from their enslavement to property.

Reduction of bureaucracy. We propose that services currently provided to the public by the State free of charge will be provided for payment. The current system is unfair since there are those who pay high taxes and use very few services and vice versa. In our view, these changes will lead to a reduction in taxes by at least one-half from their current level. This will also be the result of changes to be made in the various sectors of the economy, which will generate savings to the taxpayers and the public purse.

Reducing the economic burden on parents. The movement will work toward the strengthening of the family framework by transferring the economic burden of children up to the age of adolescence onto the government. This proposal is based on the fact that the main user of manpower is the economy, not parents. Parents already have a heavy burden in bringing up their children; there is no need to unjustifiably make it even heavier.

Transforming most workplaces into worker-owned cooperatives. Another economic reform will be to transform most workplaces into worker-owned cooperatives. This step will improve the economy and advance it toward achievements that were unknown in the past.

A worker that works for himself willingly and with motivation will achieve his maximal productivity. In this way, national output will be increased and we will achieve real economic welfare that all the citizens of the country will enjoy.

It can be assumed that at the end of the process of political and economic reforms, most of the country’s citizens will achieve greater wealth than at present and with less effort.

Law and the criminal justice system

The movement proposes a reorganization and streamlining of the justice and penal systems, that the judiciary process be reformed and that a new perspective on punishment be adopted. Emphasis will be on revealing the truth and achieving maximal justice.

Accelerating the judicial process. Our goal is to bring about change in the judicial system and to reduce the length of a trial.

Replacing prisons. The movement will work toward changing the penal system. The new penal system will be composed of fines and points that are accumulated by criminals, according to the severity of the act, as a substitute for the prisons currently in use. The goal will be to gradually close the prisons and eliminate them altogether, so as to achieve an enlightened and progressive State. We will invest effort in early education and strengthening order and public and constitutional morality, with the goal of eliminating crime and violence in society once and for all.

Internal Security

The movement is in favor of a strong and determined police force for the enforcement of law and order.

Expanding the powers of the police. The police will also serve as a mediator with limited judicial powers in small-scale disputes and in localized arguments. It will be the body responsible for the public’s security, including mediation in order to resolve disputes between neighbors and family members.

Recruitment of citizens in order to strengthen the police and the success of its missions. We propose that every able citizen will provide help to the police according to law and in rotation. Both men and women will serve in a local police framework that will be part of the effort to achieve the aforementioned goals. We believe that the citizens of the State will willingly provide their support for this idea, with the goal of maintaining law and order and improving personal and public security.


The movement proposes an alternative curriculum that will be efficient, cost-saving and ambitious and will improve the situation of both pupils and educators.

A curriculum based on innate abilities. In the future, the teaching method will be based on the reinforcement of innate abilities and their optimal development. The goal will be to exploit those abilities and to reinforce the expertise of the pupils in occupations that are optimal for them and for the economy.

Reducing the number of subjects. In parallel, we will significantly reduce the number of subjects taught, with the goal of reducing the load on pupils. Due to the large number of subjects a pupil must study, most of the material is forgotten relatively quickly and sometimes immediately after a test. This is of course a waste of time, money and effort.

Streamlining the system. The new education system will not need grades, which will be replaced by the evaluation of the teacher and the pupil. They will provide the best guidance for exposing the innate skills and abilities of the pupil. The practical result of these changes will be greater efficiency in the education system and the empowering of teachers and pupils. The proposed changes will make it possible to reduce years of schooling by at least four which will lead to a tremendous saving in money, as well as in the physical and mental effort that is invested in the current methods and in attaining scholastic achievement.

Encouraging geniuses. The new education system will encourage the development of geniuses and will enrich society with inventors and new and useful inventions to a greater extent than any previous generation.

Changing the educational and social climate. The proposed system has the potential to change the climate of stress and violence in the schools and the existing dissatisfaction of many pupils. The system will satisfy the needs of pupils, teachers, parents and the State’s leadership.

Integration of body and spirit. The movement proposes combined classes in ethics and physical education in order to strengthen and empower children’s minds and bodies.


In the area of health, we will introduce an obligatory periodic checkup for the prevention of health disorders and the early detection of disease.

In order to empower the individual and improve his health, priority must be given to preventative medicine over treatment after a disease has developed. Therefore, we will aspire to maximum human wholeness. To this end, we propose preventive medicine programs and clinics, which will complement the plan to create individuals that are healthy in both body and mind and who are free of stress. When the reforms are implemented in the other sectors of the economy and society, the public’s health situation will automatically improve. This will reduce the burden on the hospitals and clinics and in their place, we will establish preventive medicine clinics. Every citizen of the State will be required to undergo periodic checkups according to law and the recommendations of specialist physicians.

The reduction in workhours mentioned in the section on the economy will provide an opportunity to walk to and from one’s place of work and will also allow people to be more involved in sports, a very important component in maintaining a healthy mind and body over time.


Modification of housing to the existing social situation

The issue of housing will receive the attention it deserves in the new era. Consideration should be given to building shared or public housing that will provide more opportunity for social encounters among neighbors, rather than thinking only about convenience in the planning of residential housing. Today we live in a divided and fragmented society in which stress, impatience, depression and loneliness are the leading characteristics. Therefore, a change in urban planning methods is dictated by this reality and the needs of residents should be given new consideration in the planning of homes, buildings and cities, so that they will be in tune with the new era.

Quality of the Environment

The movement will seek to clean up the water and the air and will link the importance of environmental quality to the quality of life. In the future, it will be easier to enforce environmental laws due the changes that will be made in the structure of the government, the economy, the judicial system, etc. These changes will strengthen the enforcement of environmental laws, as well as increasing the awareness of pollution and the preservation of nature.

Foreign Policy

The adoption of a transparent foreign policy

It is generally the practice that diplomatic relations between countries are kept secret. We will prefer transparent relationships. The Kdai movement recognizes the need and importance of reinforcing the support and close relations with friendly nations, with the goal of more easily solving our security, economic and social problems. The State of Israel under the leadership of Kdai will achieve genuine friendship and honest brotherhood with our neighbors and collaboration in improving the situation of humanity as a whole.

It is the movement’s goal to create a new organization of countries that will be called “Mother”: the Organization of Sister Nations, whose primary goal will be to achieve a just peace worldwide and bring nations together and, in the end, to eliminate the need for borders between countries.

This can be accomplished on the condition that the nations of the world adopt the ways of the Kdai movement. It is clear that if the nations of the world can unite, the enlightened world can more easily solve the problem of global terror without violence, but rather through empowerment and improvement of the lives of the citizens of every country, including the Islamic nations.

General Security

Security was purposely left for last. According to the movement’s philosophy, the State’s security is highly dependent on the moral, social, governmental, constitutional-judicial and economic resilience of society as a whole. For this reason, it is important to first inform the public of the movement’s plans, ideas and methods, which will provide the State and its citizens with everything required for progress and greater efficiency on all levels. The more progress and efficiency are achieved, the greater will be the level of security.

Greater security for the State is dependent on the support of other countries and the sympathy among the people of the world towards Israel. As already stated in the previous section on foreign policy, there is a good chance that Israel can create a new international forum (“Mother” – Organization of Sister Nations). Any country that wishes to join the new organization will have to commit to two conditions:

First condition: Maintaining a fully democratic regime.

Second condition: Full participation of women in all State institutions.

Any state that adopts these conditions will enjoy progress, empowerment, social welfare and health.

Such a situation will produce great benefits for the State of Israel, which as mentioned, will advance and grow stronger and thus will achieve maximal security. The farther we advance with the programs we have set out, the greater will be the reduction in defense expenditure, in parallel to the reduction in compulsory military service. The State of Israel will then indeed achieve the protection of the countries that have adopted its path.


An emergency call to those with leadership ability to join a collective leadership with the goal of empowering and glorifying the People and the State.

It is clear to all that improving the lives of the world’s inhabitants is not dependent on one leader or another, but rather on all leaders, their actions and the actions of humanity.

The movement calls on those citizens who have the characteristics of natural leadership: honesty, love of one’s fellow man, the ability to give, frustration with the existing regime and methods, ability to contribute of themselves and their abilities to others and to demand little for themselves. People who hold the country dear and who have arrived at the conclusion that most of the methods used in government and administration and in the social order must be changed. We need leaders with a mission and an understanding of the situation in Israel and the rest of the world, who are prepared to work together in order to create a new lifestyle that is manifestly better than what now exists. Leaders from every walk of life are called upon to lend a hand in the organization and the endeavor and to join this wonderful team, which will work together as one to realize the historic dream and vision of peace for all.

It is worth mentioning that the movement is not religious or anti-religious. It will work according to a plan and objective principles and according to common sense and fairness. We believe that there will be peace and prosperity only with the consent of an absolute majority of the world’s leaders and inhabitants and not through the signing of agreements between nations, as is the practice today. It can be assumed that our brothers and sisters from all sectors and from all countries that long for change as we do will want to join in our movement’s effort to achieve peace and that of our unique country.

A call to the public to join or support the Kdai movement

It is well-known that Israel is in the midst of a political, economic, moral, educational and social crisis. Only a patriotic and ethical movement with ideas and plans is capable of correcting and improving the situation. The Kdai movement asks that the public to support it and vote for it.

The passing of new laws requires a majority in the Knesset and therefore the movement needs an absolute majority in order to pass laws that will bring about change and increased efficiency without delay. It can then shift to new methods and the establishment of an efficient central government and effective municipalities, a regime that can streamline all of the systems.

On achieving the required majority in the Knesset, the movement will work to disperse the Knesset as soon as possible, with the goal of holding new elections according to the new system. The implementation of the Kdai movement’s ideas, methods and work plans has the greatest chance of overcoming the problems and distress of the State and its inhabitants, including the problem of terrorism. 

As time passes, Kdai will become a global movement

It is clear to all that humanity cannot hang on much longer, if countries continue to be managed as they are today. Therefore, it is expected that most countries of the world will adopt the movement’s ideas and plans, which will transform it into a global movement in a very short time, a movement that is capable of leading a process of change and genuine peace.

The Movement’s Vision is a Realization of the Prophets’ Prophecy

“and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. “ (vision of Isaiah the Prophet, 2:4)

We believe that humanity is suffering from an infinity of problems and troubles. The countries of the world are in need of the innovative and dynamic State of Israel which will take a leading role in the political, social and economic revolutions, both local and global, until liberty, unity and peace are achieved.

The State of Israel after these changes will be accepted by all the nations and will take its natural place as a leader and as the fulfiller of the Prophets’ prophecy for the Jewish People and humanity as a whole – to live in brotherhood and comradery in an era of peace. The realization of the prophesies will bring humanity closer to the Creator of the World in understanding and desire, without religious involvement. The connection between the Creator and humanity can unite humanity for generations to come.

We Believe that the Time has Come

  • To create new local and international leadership which will come to power and work towards a better future.
  • For mass awakening to community and public activity that is determined and persevering. This means no longer remaining indifferent.
  • To realize, implement and achieve peace and prosperity for us and for the nations of the world.
  • For change, upgrades and improvements. To move forward with momentum and to realize our historical global destiny.
  • To remove the scars of the past from our midst, to renew, to gather strength and to act energetically and with strength in order to achieve full success and victory on our new path.

Our motto:

We will not stand by any longer – we will unite and work together from this moment forward!

Yours sincerely,

D.N. Aylon, founder of the movement

Jerusalem, 5779 - 2019

Amichai Oron

UX/UI SAAS Product Designer & Consultant ?? | Helping SAAS / AI companies and Startups Build Intuitive, Scalable Products.

5 个月

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Svetlana Ratnikova

CEO @ Immigrant Women In Business | Social Impact Innovator | Global Advocate for Women's Empowerment

6 个月

???? ??? ?? ?? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ???: ?????? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ??????. https://chat.whatsapp.com/BubG8iFDe2bHHWkNYiboeU



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