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In recent years, the connection between breath and cognitive performance has gained significant attention in scientific research. One of the practices that have emerged in this realm through Deep Breath Awareness is "Deergh Shwas" a significant technique from ancient times found in "Preksha Meditation." These ancient practices, rooted in the teachings of Jainism, offer overwhelming insights into the interplay between our breath and cognitive abilities.

Research indicates that conscious deep breathing can have a profound impact on cognitive functions. Deergh Shwas Preksha emphasizes the importance of mindful and deliberate inhalation and exhalation. The controlled breathing patterns induce a state of calmness, reducing stress and anxiety, both of which are known to impair cognitive performance.

Furthermore, Preksha Meditation, a broader contemplative practice, incorporates deep breath awareness as a fundamental element. By integrating focused attention on the rythm & speed of breath, individuals engage in a cognitive exercise that enhances concentration, clarity, and consciousness. Studies suggest that regular practice of Preksha Meditation not only improves attention span but also positively influences memory and problem-solving skills.

The science behind these practices lies in the deep impact of breath on the autonomic nervous system. Controlled breathing techniques stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, triggering a relaxation response. This, in turn, promotes optimal cognitive functioning, as the mind shifts from a state of stress to one of calm alertness.

As we delve deeper into the relationship between breath and cognitive performance, it becomes evident that these ancient practices offer a holistic approach to mental well-being. Incorporating Deergh Shwas Preksha and Preksha Meditation into our daily routines may not only enhance cognitive functions but also contribute to overall mental resilience and clarity.


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