KC Housing Providers are Under Attack
DID YOU KNOW? If you live or do business in Kansas City Missouri there is a major issue before the Special Committee on Housing THIS WEDNESDAY afternoon 11/13.
I'm asking for your help:
There is a real attack on the livelihood for housing providers happening right now through two new ordinances being promoted by Mayor Lucas and which the media is reporting there is no opposition. Some of the language includes a proposed FOURTH layer of bureaucracy in KC Housing... a request of $1M of funding in creating this new organization . . . where will the money come from . . . limiting providers' ability to screen potential tenants from past criminal history to past eviction history . . . Property owners required to allow Section 8 tenants . . . remember quite a few didn't get paid for a while last time the federal government went on strike.
While there might be a few good points, many totally miss the fact that some of the items will increase costs to housing providers who will either have to pass those costs on to their renters who already have a high burden, or lose money and quite possibly go out of business.
Many, like myself, got tired of the bureaucracy and have already sold their rental properties. Others are considering it. Where will those houses go? Some will become owner-occupied houses or apartments into condos, others will go to the big corporate landlord. Imagine renting from a corporation rather than a small mom and pop landlord.
THE WORST PART . . . Most tenants just want a safe place to call home and that's what most housing providers want to provide. But these proposals if passed, according to Economics 101, would reduce the numbers of rentals and increase the overall cost of housing.
OVER ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/events/3118187224859652/
1. MARK YOURSELF GOING on the event linked above.
2. INVITE others on the event, if you don't know how message me.
3. SHARE it on your personal and business pages, and tell WHY people should care (and not just investors, but also realtors, appraisers, bankers, contractors, financial advisors, insurance providers). It will affect everyone: TENANTS, LANDLORDS, NEIGHBORS.
4. SHOW UP TO SPEAK ... be Professional but not AFRAID to speak your mind. CLEAR but with emotion as to WHY this matters to YOU. Direct ... but not angry. Confident but not arrogant.
5. EMAIL If you are not really a Facebook Person, copy and paste this message into an email and send it to people you think would want to know.
We Help Real Estate Entrepreneurs Succeed.
5 年This was postponed until December 2nd. You still have time to take action. If you have not, please visit the links, read up and PLEASE take the survey and share with a friend to two. Ask people to read up and educate themselves. More www.marei.org/legislative or on https://sites.google.com/site/kclandlordsinc/ Kim