MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner
I enjoy working with children of all ages, individuals, and families to help them acquire skills they need, to improve their life struggles and to help them move forward to reach their goals.
My California Bay Area Facebook Friend’s you are invited to my Birthday Party to celebrate my 65th birthday on January 24th but the Party will be held on Friday January 26 from 8pm to 2am at The Forty Plus Club in Oakland by the Airport. It is a great place to have fun and celebrate. It will cost $10 after 9pm there will be food and drinks available. There are two dance floors and a DJ in both rooms.
The directions are you must take 880 to Hegenberger exit at the airport, then make a right on Edgewater Dr. at the Gas station and continue down the road. You will pass a Star Buck and then you will see the SPCA building on the right side, at the next intersection make a u turn and to your right you will see a sandwich board sign, turn into the driveway and park in the back. Follow the music and you are there come inside and have a great time. Please email me if you plan to come or message me because we need to know how much food to prepare. I am looking forward to celebrating with all of you! It is time we met and this is the right time & place to do so!