Kathy, we need to talk about what’s happening in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Last night, Kyle Rittenhouse drove from Illinois to Kenosha and shot three protestors who were out demanding justice for Jacob Blake — two of them are now dead. But Kyle didn’t accomplish this alone.

In a video caught on the ground, a fellow militia member said “Do you know what the cops told us today? We’re going to push them to you, because you can deal with them, then we’re going to leave.” Other videos show police giving Kyle water, letting him walk around with an illegally owned AR-15, and telling him “We appreciate you. We really do.”

And then Kyle murdered two protestors.

We’re not sure if Michael Graveley, the District Attorney of Kenosha County, will arrest these police officers or even charge the officers who shot Jacob Blake in the first place. And the sad reality is that one of the most common challenges to holding police accountable is the unwillingness of the local prosecutor.

It’s time to change that. Real Justice recruits, equips, and elects progressive prosecutors who are unafraid of the police. There are 2,400 district attorneys across the country, and we are running campaigns to replace them with reformers who will finally hold cops accountable.‘


MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner的更多文章

