Kathleen, Where Have You Been?
Kathleen Dreier
Portrait/event photographer for business/community/family. Social change series: Voices of Race. "Photography Connecting Community."
It's occurred to me that it has been a year since I've done any posts on LinkedIn. I need to rectify that. In short, I've been in transition like a lot of you and making major life decisions, the main one being that I left my long-time career as a social worker just in September to pursue my 12-year old photography business full time. It was a multi-year decision-making process that had many twists, turns, and considerations. I can write a v-e-r-y long article about the ins and outs of that process but I will keep it brief: I came to the realization that there's no time like the present; I'm not getting any younger; and I became deeply concerned that I will lose the window to try if I didn't jump soon.
So I'm going to make solid efforts to post more regularly here and will complete a Year-In-Review of my photography work for 2018 before the end of December.
Until then, if you are in the Tucson area or will be visiting within the next month, I am happy to photography your family or business events, take your standard head shot portrait, or do your Soul Portrait (you can ask me about what those are).