Kashmir is bleeding. And the world is watching.
Kashmir is bleeding. And the world is watching.
What an utter shame.
I am infuriated. I feel sick down to my bones.
I remember the time when there was a lock down on Lahore. It was chaos. The city was pushed to the edge of its nerves over widespread fear of fuel and water shortages. And that was chaos over the course of a single day.
India has practically caged 7 million people. And It's been 8 long terrifying days already.
Young boys are arrested in the darkness of the night, sent back bruised and battered. Women are molested. The entire state is incommunicado yet some of the horrifying news (probably a very small portion) slips out of the cage and makes its way to us. All local leadership is behind bars. The entire state is on its knees, vulnerable to the might of a gunned, ruthless military force. Nobody knows how long this is going to last.
Meanwhile - many Indians are celebrating! And the world continues to watch because subjugating millions of people against their will, was decided (for their alleged good) in a blood thirsty parliament of hyper nationalists? How surreal is that?
The sense of ownership. The misogyny. The lust of it all. Downright barbaric.
After murdering the will of a people; their freedom; their right to speech; communication; security; food, an Indian diplomat has the audacity to say, 'there haven't been any fatalities' and that the lockdown of Kashmir is a 'peaceful democratic process'.
I want to ask the Indian diplomat if we can do the same to him. Break all the bones in his body. Occupy his home. Justify the action through parliamentarians. 'Democratically' and 'peacefully' take charge of his territory because it is INTEGRAL to our existence. And then shun all objection because hey - NO ONE DIED and it's INTERNAL.
India and Pakistan should be PUSHED OUT of Kashmir. They had more than 70 years to reconcile differences. And they failed.
Consequently, three generations were robbed of their freedom. Thousands met shorter, more violent ends, seeking freedom. How much longer should the Kashmiris burn before our lust for their land, their fresh water, and their women, is sated? Really - how much longer?
Abrogating article 370 will only add fuel to a fire that's perpetuated since the bloody partition of the sub-continent. It will give purpose to the resistance because Kashmiris are living breathing thinking human beings and they will not be crushed.
Kashmir knows perfectly how the world works. Back stabbed by India, ignored by an apathetic international community and armed by a coterie of jihadists, they are torn between resolution, separation and outright violence. Kashmir has lost enough to know there is no such thing as a true ally. All their adventures have led to more blood, more suffering, more pain.
So - after seven decades of trauma - it's best we NOT harass Kashmir about seeking multiple ways out of unjust occupation. If an armed soldier sat in my house, with a noose around my neck, my entire life, maybe I could begin to understand the true depth of desperation. Stephen Sackur talking to Shah Faesal on HardTalk yesterday spoke like an idiot, oblivious to Faesal's trauma. BBC ought to know better than roughing up victims of gross human rights violations. Faesal lost his father to the conflict; and he was a strong proponent of nonviolence.
In short - Kashmir - your resilience is your only true friend.
Two nuclear powers couldn't break your resolve. Now it seems the conversation may extend to greater powers, with their own out-of-whack vested interests (who knows).
But you know how to survive. You have seen countless storms. Let's hope this is the last you endure. In the meantime, we will shout and scream your name to the world, in the hope that humanity finds the courage to listen.
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5 年Myopic View.... Disappointed!