KarmaLA | Fraud Free Donation

KarmaLA | Fraud Free Donation

You're sitting in lovely Los Angeles traffic, you arrive at a stop light, look left, look right. What do you see? Tents & homeless.

"Wish I could help.."  Guess what? BITCH, NOW YA' CAN!

Having been a "fixer" to some of the largest organizations in the US.. with a 100% success record. I kinda' have a track record to identifying faults, and resolving them. Really big ones. My secret? I care. Sappy? Sure... I'm an experts expert who started coding age 7 and skipped 2 grades, but anyone (in my opinion) can know protocols, sell, manage, organize, etc. 

In all cases, many came before me, but couldn't get it done.




This is NOT about me, it's about YOU, ME, WE & TEAM.

It's about Humanity. Execution.


KarmaLA & KarmaNY I've added to BillZero (app store) only because.. I CAN.  

No Profit. No Money. NO Fee to the Recipient.

YOU (donor) - can give, w CONFIDENCE.  Money 100% goes to a liability/bill - No Drugs, No Alcohol, No Nothing - except what you selected. A BILL via Biller.

THEY (recipient) - fell on hard times. When you go to zero, and below, you have bills to get above zero to re-kick your life. (I know, because this happened to me 2019 after I lost 8.5MM$ & everything else)

Change happens, WHEN we DECIDE for a MOMENT -- OK, I'm going to do this, and you DO.

Don't talk about it. Don't think about it. DO IT.


App Store > Search "billzero" > Install -- DONE

https://billzero.app/store - open w your mobile & Auto-Route you to iOS || Droid

Now, you're ready. You took a step.  

You will see KarmaLA in the lower-right-corner of the Main Menu of the app.  When you Scan a QR Username, you will be presented with the Users Bills.. choose one, $20 minimum, and PAY it.  You just gave with 100% Efficiency (Charities are 1% to 5% efficient) to someone who NEEDS it. You KNOW where the money is going (the biller, not the person), and you HELPED your Fellow Man/Woman.

That's it. You just won. What did you win? Your humanity.. for one moment.

What's Next? I'm going to Donate 1000 Tents w Unique QRs registered to each Recipient.  

It's not gonna solve everything... it's a start.

Stay tuned teammates. We got shit to change. Change it with me.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Burke

Nathaniel Briggs, CEO, BillZero, Inc.

Michael Falato

GTM Expert! Founder/CEO Full Throttle Falato Leads - 25 years of Enterprise Sales Experience - Lead Generation Automation, US Air Force Veteran, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt, Muay Thai, Saxophonist, Scuba Diver

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N8, thanks for sharing! Any good events coming up for you or your team? I am hosting a live monthly roundtable every first Wednesday at 11am EST to trade tips and tricks on how to build effective revenue strategies. I would love to have you be one of my special guests! We will review topics such as: -LinkedIn Automation: Using Groups and Events as anchors -Email Automation: How to safely send thousands of emails and what the new Google and Yahoo mail limitations mean -How to use thought leadership and MasterMind events to drive top-of-funnel -Content Creation: What drives meetings to be booked, how to use ChatGPT and Gemini effectively Please join us by using this link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/monthly-roundtablemastermind-revenue-generation-tips-and-tactics-tickets-1236618492199



