The Karma of Giving: The Echo of Kindness in Life's Grand Theatre
Revathi Gurram
Founder at Stories Design Studio | Over 13 years in Luxury Interior Designing | Passionate Entrepreneur | Artist | Traveller
"In the end, it's not the wounds that shape us, but the lessons we draw from them. Let our hearts be vast landscapes, where love and forgiveness are the only true constants." - Revathi Gurram, Founder, Stories Design Studio
In the gentle rhythm of life, where every heartbeat and whisper carries with it a story, there's a profound understanding that often gets lost amidst the noise: the philosophy of karma. The universe, in its vast expanse, has a peculiar way of balancing scales, ensuring that what we send out often comes back to us, sometimes in the most unexpected ways.
I've always believed that life is a circle. Much like the Earth, we revolve in cycles of highs and lows, moments of pain and episodes of joy. But at the core of it all is the act of giving. Giving, not with the hope of receiving, but with the simple joy of seeing another soul smile. It's this very act that has time and again reinstated my faith in the cosmic balance.
There have been moments where the act of giving felt like a gamble. Times when the trust was handed over, only to be returned crumpled and torn. It's undeniable—it hurts when you are used, especially by those you least expect. The sting of betrayal can sometimes cloud the beauty of trust. However, these experiences, though painful, are life's great teachers.
I remember once helping a colleague with a challenging project, pouring in hours of my time and expertise. And while they flourished and received accolades, my role was all but forgotten. The immediate aftermath was a blend of disbelief and hurt. But in time, I realized the true reward wasn't in the recognition but in the knowledge that I could make a difference, that my skills had value, and most importantly, that I had the strength to give without conditions.
Fast forward to a year later, and a client reached out to me, having heard of my dedication and skills from a contact. Not only did this opportunity prove to be a significant milestone for my career, but it also reminded me that the universe was watching. It may not always reward us immediately or in the ways we expect, but it does in its own time.
There's a certain serenity in accepting the actions of others and choosing to move forward with grace. Holding onto grudges is like carrying a heavy stone on a long journey—it only weighs us down. By embracing forgiveness, we free not only ourselves but also make room for the universe to bring forth its rewards.
In the grand tapestry of life, every thread, whether woven with joy or pain, has its purpose. Each one teaches us, moulds us, and ultimately adds depth to our story. So, even when the world seems askew, trust in the circle of life and in the karma of giving.