The Karma Equation
Radhika Gopinatha dasa
Professor of Vedic Theology and Religious Studies: Present society needs a new paradigm of devotion to God.
A famous blogger C.P. Gurney writes
A few years ago, I had two near death experiences within a few months of each other.?I firmly believe that it was Karma sending me a not-so-subtle message that I needed to get my act together given some bad decisions I’d been making and bad behaviors I’d been exhibiting.
Since that moment of awakening, I’ve been closely observing the balance between good luck and bad luck in my life and the influence that I believe my actions have had on that balance.[1]
"A fairly simple equation that I believe estimates the balance is:"
Good Luck + Bad Behavior = Bad Luck + Good Behavior
"Not to get too deep into algebra but the equation simply says that if you don’t exhibit any bad behavior or good behavior on any given day, you can expect to have equal parts good luck and bad luck."
Good Luck + 0 = Bad Luck + 0
"And with the realization that I was being taught a lesson, I started to look back through my life for more lessons from Karma in the form of good luck and bad luck and sure enough, they were everywhere and had been happening to me the entire time. That moment of awakening was infinitely humbling, knowing that Karma had been directly guiding me towards making better decisions all along."
Is Karma that simple? No.
Ajay Ohri writes [2]
"To my mind the closest thing to Karma is – Newton’s Third Law. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Every good thing you do will lead to some good thing to happen to you in future. That’s Karma. Every bad shit that happened to you was payback for something bad you did, thought or planned earlier.?The mathematics on Karma has a long period. So shit that you did in your previous birth?( or Life- 1) can lead to shit to happen to you in next birth. That’s reincarnated Karma.
M1?V1?== M 2 V2
That’s momentum. Momentum is mass into velocity.?How big your startup is it’s momentum. How fast is it growing? That’s velocity. The 1 is for the body that starts the initial chain reaction. The 2 is for the body that reacts. Ecosystems react to disruptions in multiple ways. Ecosystems protest at innovations in multiple ways. Unless the right players have been paid and the right influencers have been fed.
M1V1 == M2 V2 + M3 V 3
Momentum never dies. If it is transferred to more than one body, the sum of the total momentum remains the same. Don’t confuse the ecosystem’s reaction to momentum with energy dissipated due to friction. Newton who made Newtons law had a personal experience of Karma. His brilliant career was filled with occasional Politicking as he denied Leibnitz his due in Calculus. But you cant keep a good German Philosopher down without staying down with him."?
From the far east Cambodia and Vietnam practice of Dhammonomic, it is said "According to?vijja meditation, karmic consequences are programmed and enforced by the?‘Transcendental Machine of Element & Essence’?which works like the Existence’s super mainframe computer administered by the very senior Lord Buddhas in order to govern the Existence whereas the good machine is controlled by the Holy side and the bad machine is controlled by the evil lords.?The machines compete in their operations to supervise and organise living beings and non-living beings under the agreed or settled Law of Karma which is like the operating software.?However, the interventions between the Holy lords and evil lords as well as the performance of the machines under more or less effectiveness of administration, from time to time, result the karmic enforcement to be unstable and somehow uncertain.??When an individual does either good or bad deeds, physically or verbally or mentally, the deeds are automatically reported as input(s) to the?machines?which process, calculate, and programme the karmic fruitions as well as the merit and sin energy to be withdrawn from their sources, transferred, and stored within such individual.?Hence, the karmic programmes are workable with the stored merit and sin energy, resulting in good happenings and mishappenings in life until the energy is used up and the karmic programmes become obsolete. As such, the phenomena of Karma Law can be simplified into one single?Dhammonomics equation?where one who commits physical, verbal, and mental deeds with one’s own or upon others’ sensations including sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and feeling, with more or less?intensity, dedication, and commitment,?are taken into account as the internal and external factors to be calculated and level the?forcefulness?of the karmic outputs." blog tries to capture how is Karmic debt is calculated. [4]
Karma accumulates over?life-times. A person’s karma in the present life is determined by the average quality of energy he contributes by his thoughts, words or actions, in the universe, over a period of life-times.
"Metaphorically explaining, if we view one life as a video-game, then karma is the number of points we lose or win while playing the game.?The points of the player or the karma of the soul add up as the soul moves from one life to the next, and get carried over to each new life. Just as the player needs to overcome?the obstacles in the video-game and win positive points to reach the end of the game victorious, our soul has to make up for its lost karmic points or negative karma to move up on the scale of evolution. Till the player gets positive points and neutralizes the negatives, it cannot win the game. Likewise, we have to repay our karmic debt for achieving our destination/dreams of life, as planned as souls. The negative points have to be neutralized by obtaining a higher number of positive karmic points .Positive karma helps the soul achieve a positive energy balance, necessary to find happiness. For instance, if a soul has been a killer in one life and a saint in another, it is the overall balance of karma which would affect its stage of evolution at any one point. In other words, the person’s karmic debt in his present life would equal the amount of negative energy he created in the life of the killer, minus the amount of positive energy he created in the life of the saint. If the soul has incurred -10 points in the killer’s life and + 8 points in the saint’s life, his present karmic debt would be -2. Till the karmic debt is not cleared, the negative energy would not transcend into positive.?The soul would evolve to the next higher plane of the game or evolution, only when his karmic debt is cleared. In other words, obstacles would block the player’s progress in the present level of the game till the player is able to overcome them, and pass on to the next level of the game. Since, karma is a measure of energy, for negative karma to be cleared, it is necessary to create neutral or positive energy in its place in our own life and in the lives of others. However, it is not necessary to heal the same number of souls as we may have harmed. It is only necessary to create the same quantum of positive energy as the quantum of negative energy we created, so as to neutralize the negative."
?"Hence, if the person carrying the karmic debt can make even one person very happy, it may balance his/her negative karma against several people. ?However, the reverse is equally true. A person can create huge amounts of negative karma by making one person severely unhappy, even if this person has been creating positive karma for several others. As a religious verse says “If you heal one soul, you?heal the whole mankind; and if you hurt one soul, you hurt the whole mankind “." [4]
Are the above views a complete description of Karma?
Srila Prabhupada the founder of ISKCON had the most complete views on Karma.
Karma and?Karma-yoga–?What is the Difference? [5]
Karma is regulated action for the enjoyment of the fruit by the performer, but?karma-yoga?is action performed by the devotee for the satisfaction of the Lord.?Karma-yoga?is based on bhakti, or pleasing the Lord, whereas karma is based on pleasing the senses of the performer himself. (Bhag.?3.1.4, purport)
Karma means fruitive action. Everyone is working in this world to get some result. Somebody is working in business, earning millions of dollars yearly. Why is he earning? For sense gratification. As soon as he gets money, he changes his car, he changes his apartment, changes his standard of life only for increasing. The whole world is working so hard, and the result is an increase in the objects of sense gratification. This is called karma. Karma means to enjoy the result of your activities. And?karma-yoga?means that you engage yourself in your occupational activity, but don’t engage the result for your sense gratification, but for satisfaction of Krishna. That is called?karma-yoga.?Yoga means linking up with the Supreme, and karma, when it is linked up with Krishna, is called?karma-yoga.?(Lecture?on Bhagavad-gita 3.1-5, Los Angeles, 20 December 1968_
Karma means ordinary work. I work whole day; I get some remuneration and enjoy sense gratification. That is called karma, in this life or the next. Some people make charities and other pious acts so that in their next life they get good parentage, good education, opulence, so that they can also enjoy life. There are others also who make more advanced karma to get himself promoted in other planetary system. Just like moon planet, or Svargaloka, heavenly planet. There are many planets in which the standard of life is far, far more comfortable than here. So these are not required.?(Lecture on?Bhagavad-gita?3.13-16,?New York, 23 May 1966)
Those who are too much addicted to fruitive activities are advised to perform actions that will bring them to bhakti. . . .?Karma-yoga?is therefore different from ordinary karma.?(Krishna, Chapter 47)
Karma is very dangerous for persons who want to go back to Godhead. Therefore, in?Bhagavad-gita karma-yoga?is advised. On the whole, we can endeavor for money-making if it doesn’t hamper our devotional service. Otherwise, we shall prefer to starve and chant Hare Krishna. That should be the pivot of all our activities.?(Letter to Hamsaduta, Montreal, 21 June, 1968)
Working without attachment [5]
“On the other hand, if a sincere person tries to control the active senses by the mind and begins?karma-yoga?[in Krishna consciousness] without attachment, he is by far superior.”??(Bg. 3.7)
Yat karosi yaj juhosi yad asnasi dadasi yat kurusva tad mad-arpanam?[Bg. 9.27]. The?karma-yoga?process is that?“Whatever you do, whatever you take trouble for, whatever you eat, and everything, offer to Me. Offer to Me.”?That is called?karma-yoga,?or?yoga-sthah.?(Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.48-49, New York, 1 April 1966)
You American people have got so much money. Engage your money in that way(for Krishna). Don’t spoil your life by this way and that way. You have got enough means to offer Krishna fifty-six times. . . .?Pranair arthair dhiya vacah.?You have to employ your life, your money, your words, and your intelligence, all for Krishna. That is Krishna consciousness. If you have got enough money, spend it for Krsna. Don’t stock it. This is?karma-yoga.?(Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 3.1-5,Los Angeles, 20 December 1968)
It is advised that part of your hard labor you offer to Krishna. This is called?karma-yoga.?You remain in your karma, but?nirbandhah Krishna-sambandhe?be touched with Krishna consciousness movement and spend at least fifty percent for Krishna.?(Room Conversation with Malcolm,?London,?18 July 1973)
Action in Krishna Consciousness [5]
Although the eightfold yoga system is recommended in this chapter [chapter 6], the Lord emphasizes that the process of?karma-yoga,?or acting in Krishna consciousness, is better. (Bg. 6.1, purport)
Karma-yoga,?without fruitive results, is the beginning of this path. When?karma-yoga?increases in knowledge and renunciation, the stage is called?j?ana-yoga.?(Bg. 6.47, purport)
The propensity for enjoyment may be turned into the desire for serving the mission of the Lord. By doing so, one’s activity is changed into?karma-yoga,?or the way by which one can attain spiritual perfection while engaging in the work for which he has a natural tendency. (Bhag. 1.5.34, purport)
Principle of Karma-yoga: Satisfaction of the Lord [5]
This?kriya-yoga?or?karma-yoga,?as recommended by Sri Narada to Vyasa, is specifically recommended because the principle is to satisfy the Lord. (Bhag. 1.5.35, purport)
The whole material civilization is manifested by a huge accumulation of materials, or, in other words, raw materials for industrial purposes, and the industrial enterprises?(kriya-sakti)?are all due to gross ignorance of spiritual life. In order to rectify this great anomaly of materialistic civilization, based on the principles of?dravya-shakti?and?kriya-sakti,?one has to adopt the process of devotional service of the Lord by adoption of the principles of?karma-yoga,?mentioned in the?Bhagavad-gita?(9.27) as follows:
yat karosi yad asnasi
yaj juhosi dadasi yat
yat tapasyasi kaunteya
tat kurusva mad-arpanam
“O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me.” (Bhag. 2.5.25, purport)
Service to God?is Karma-yoga [5]
Whatever we have we should use as service to the Supreme Person. It is advised in?Bhagavad-gita sva-karmana tam abhyarcya:?[Bg. 18.46] one should try to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead by one’s assets. There are many forms of service to the Supreme Lord, and anyone can render service unto Him according to the best of his ability.?(Bhag. 3.23.57, purport)
If one works according to the?varnasrama-dharma?system and does not desire fruitive results, he gets satisfaction gradually. Discharging one’s occupational duty as a means of rendering devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the ultimate goal of life.?Bhagavad-gita?confirms this as the process of?karma-yoga.?In other words, we should act only for the satisfaction and service of the Lord. Otherwise we will be entangled by the resultant actions.?(Bhag. 4.20.9, purport)
Arjuna is a fighter a warrior, military man. And he fought for Krishna. This is called?karma-yoga. (Lecture, Los Angeles,?4 December 1968)
Pseudo Karma-yogis [5]
The mentality of the demons in being enamored by the false beauty of this material world is expressed herein. The demoniac can pay any price for the skin beauty of this material world. They work very hard all day and night, but the purpose of their hard work is to enjoy sex life. Sometimes they misrepresent themselves as?karma-yogis,?not knowing the meaning of the word yoga. Yoga means to link up with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or to act in Krishna consciousness. A person who works very hard, no matter in what occupation, and who offers the result of the work to the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, is called a?karma-yogi. (Bhag. 3.20.34, purport)
Srila prabhupada continues:
karmasayam grathitam udgrathayanti santah
tadvan na rikta-matayo yatayo 'pi ruddha-
sroto-ganas tam aranam bhaja vasudevam
Karmasayam, this false ego -- we are creating different hopes of activity: "I shall do this. I shall do that." Grathitam, they are very deep-rooted, grathitam. So we have to pluck out this karmasayam, the root of karma. Kuta-stha, then phalonmukha, and phala-prapti. There are three stages, karmasayam: kuta-stha, in the seed form, kuta-stha; then phalonmukham, sprouting; then prapta, prarabdha. In the beginning it is aprarabdha, not yet manifest, and prarabdha means manifest. The same example, as we have given several times, infection. We have infect... Suppose I have infected some chronic disease or infectious disease. It is not yet manifest, but it is kuta-stha. It is... In the seed form there is. Then, all of a sudden, we get some feverish condition. That is called phalonmukha. And when it is high fever and quite manifest, the delusion and so many other things, that is called prarabdha. [6]
So we are all undergoing prarabdha-phalam, manifest phala, for our past deeds. So they are very deep-rooted. It is very difficult to uproot them. But there is one process. That is recommended: bhaja vasudevam. Bhaja... The others... There are many yogis, jnanis, they are trying to get out of the situation, kuta-stha, phalonmukha, prarabdha situation of our life. But Srimad-Bhagavata says that the devotees, they can very easily uproot the causes of our material miserable condition of life. Yat-pada-pankaja-palasa-vilasa-bhaktya. Vilasa. Vilasa means enjoying, and bhaktya means devotees. They are always attached to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. Sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayoh [SB 9.4.18].
The devotees are always engaged, they are always attached, padaravindayoh. Aravinda, lotus flower and the lotus feet. So devotees, they are concerned, always seeing the lotus feet of the Lord. They do not try to see even the face. Beginning with the lotus feet. The devotee begins offering tulasi leaves with sandalwood pulp and offering to the lotus feet of the Lord. That is their vilasa, enjoyment. Yad-pada-pankaja-palasa-vilasa. They enjoy. That is transcendental bliss, offering a little sandalwood pulp and tulasi leaves on the lotus feet of the Lord. Yat-pada-palasa-vilasa...pankaja-palasa-vilasa, vilasa. That is their vilasa.
Simply by worshipping Bhagavan with all paraphernalia one can burn karma attain to the supreme spiritual world Vaikuntha (no anxiety place) and Goloka Vrindavan (highest level of Vaikuntha)
The real equation for Karma (work in progress)
Seva to Bhgaavan Krishna and his genuine incarnations + participation in Varnashrama Dharma + Regulated sex life only for God-Conscious kids + Desire and action for serving the mission of the Lord + everything should be done as an offering unto Supreme Lord Krishna + Respect for devatas + Shelter of a guru = Akarma (non-binding activities leading to liberation)?