

As as 10th Muharram came near , a debate starts in our society. Criticism on Shia Muslims, criticism on Sunni Muslims for not loving Ehl-e-Bait like Shia... This is building on and on through generations -- you're right, you're wrong, we're right or we're wrong... Anybody starts extracting hadiths (genuine or false) for their own justification. In all this, we forget the essence of the month of Muharram. The purpose of the shahadat of Imam Hussain is left behind and a blame game starts!

Instead of Sunni Muslims discussing negativity at home like Shia do wrong, they go out in processions or Shias objecting why Sunnis don't take part in what Shia do or why Sunnis do something else, why not play our own individual role? Why not patiently and respectfully talk about it and tell how?

Imam Hussain got his head cut off

How he sacrificed his six-month old baby Ali Asghar in the way of Allah,

How he took out arrows out of his adult son, how he picked his brother's son's pieces,

How he left his innocent eight-year-old daughter in blazing desert,

How his ill brother?Imam Zain ul Abideen witnessed this incident,?

How Imam Hussain & his army stayed thirsty from 7th to 10th Muharram to stay fixated on what was right,

How they all prayed in extremity of conditions, and worshipped entire night on 9th Muharram (before upcoming war in the morning),?

How he fought for the religion of his Grandfather Muhammad S.A.W.W and stayed a staunch believer

How 72 men on the land of Karbala sacrificed their lives for Allah,?

How granddaughter Zainab continued to be on the journey with slit heads,?

How children and Imam Sajjad, and everyone was in shackles but still didn't quit praying.

How Imam Hussain's dead body was disrespected.

How he was beheaded and the head thrown away without a funeral, where?Bani Asad?came to bury him the next day

So instead of nagging about the differences between Shia and Sunni?and other sects and pointing right and wrong at one another, talk about the PURPOSE and leave the rest of every sect's doing or undoing.?

If we succeed in installing purpose and significance of Karbala instead of hate, who knows maybe our generations get revived instead of fights and denominationalism over generations for whether you're right or I'm right..

When Sunnis refrain from wearing black color to not appear as Shia and if Shia avoid different colors to not be seen as Sunnis, have you ever thought how vigorous & passionate we all have become in our competition that we have evolved two religions out of this: Shia & Sunni.?

It's extent is that if not from our eyes or words, but the hearts declare the other as Non-Muslim altogether!

However, the Prophet S.A.W.W and his ummat is all equal. Why do we believe that some have more right over that and some less? Understand the importance of Karbala. To have love for Ehl-e-Bait in your heart is Sunnat.!

So Instead of inculcating the foundation of hate within your children and next generations and criticizing the wearing and not wearing of black color, try to find out WHY Karbala happened.?

Only after 50 years of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W & while his companions were alive, His (S.A.W.W) generation was slaughtered in a scorching desert in a deadly hot land, why?

How did truth and falsehood become so weakened?

If you want to witness or know true love for Allah, Karbala is the best example. It also teaches the love for offering prayers (Namaz).

?"The Prophet (?) took Hasan and Husain by the hand and said: 'Whoever loves me and loves these two, and their father and mother, he shall be with me in my level on the Day of Judgement." Tirmidhi ( Vol . 1, Book 46, Hadith 3733 )

“Indeed Al-Hasan and Al-Husain – they are my two fragrant flowers in the world.” Jami at-Tirmidhi Vol. 1, Book 46, Hadith 3770

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said to Hasan ibn Ali, “O Allah, I love him, so love him and whoever loves him. ?a?ī? al-Bukhārī 2016, ?a?ī? Muslim 2421

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was delivering a Khutbah to us when Al-Hasan and Al-Husain came, wearing red shirts, walking and falling down. So the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) descended from the Minbar and carried them, and placed them in front of him. Then he said: ‘Allah spoke the Truth: Indeed, your wealth and your children are a trial. I looked at these two children walking and falling down, and I could not bear patiently anymore until I interrupted my talk and picked them up.” Tirmidhi ( Vol. 1 , Book 46, Hadith 3774)

The?Holy Prophet (S) said, "Al-Hasan and al-Hussain are the two masters and leaders of the youths of paradise. Tirmidhi ( Vol,Book 1, Hadith 143)

: “Which of the people of your house are most beloved to you?” He said: “Al-Hasan and Al-Husain.” And he used to say to Fatimah: “Call my two sons for me.” And he would smell them and hug them. Tirmidhi ( Vol 1 Book 49 , Hadith 3772

The Prophet, said, 'Husayn is from me and I am from Husayn.? Tirmidhi Vol 1 Book 46 Hadith 3775


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